Prefer the use of the sectioned
props in Polaris components instead of wrapping all contents in a Section
component. (polaris-prefer-sectioned-prop)
Polaris provides a convenience sectioned
prop for some components that wraps the contents in a Section
component. This rule enforces that the sectioned
shorthand is used over wrapping the entire contents of the component in a Section
This rule currently Require the use of the sectioned
prop over the Section
subcomponent for the following components:
This rule only takes effect when the Section
subcomponent is the only top-level child of the components specified above, and when the Section
component has no props.
The following patterns are considered warnings:
import {Card, Popover, Layout} from '@shopify/polaris';
The following patterns are not warnings:
import {Card, Layout, Popover} from '@shopify/polaris';
<Card sectioned>Contents</Card>
<Card.Section subdued>Contents</Card.Section>