^A design pattern is a way to solve a code problem in a way that is recognizable and reusable. It gives us common language with which to discuss code techniques.
- Explain what the Singleton pattern is
- Explain two reasons to use this pattern
- Review two ways to use the Singleton pattern
- Explain what the Facade pattern is
- Explain two reasons to use this pattern
#[fit] The Singleton Pattern
- A Singleton is a pattern to use when you only want one instance of an object to be created.
- Don't waste resources
- Stay organized with name-spacing (aka module design pattern)
^may be used for handling database connection or http requests
var MySingleton = {
name: "Teddi",
speak: function(){
var MySingleton = (function(){
var privateValue = "secret";
return {
name: "Teddi",
speak: function(){
^ Does this look familiar? It looks like the module that we created yesterday which was also a Singleton.
#[fit] The Facade Pattern
- A facade is an object that provides a simplified interface to a larger body of code, such as a class library. -- Wikipedia
- Only exposes what is necessary
- Can make the underlying functionality easier to consume
- Can be used to hide confusing or messy code
- Can be used to unify several sub-systems
- Create a function that will act as your facade.
- Access the original functions from inside of your facade.
- Create a new API that does what you need it to do.
- The end result is that you have a simpler interface.
^ Example - jQuery Example - legacy code with lots of different components, you create an interface on top of that. Whiteboard pic.