We'll start by changing the toggleTodo
action creator to be a thunk action creator, so we add dispatch
as a curried argument. Next, we'll call the toggleTodo
API endpoint, and wait for the response to come back.
When the response is available, we will dispatch an action with the type 'TOGGLE_TODO_SUCCESS'
, and the response. We'll use normalize
again by passing the original response
as the first argument, and the todo schema as the second argument.
export const toggleTodo = (id) => (dispatch) =>
api.toggleTodo(id).then(response => {
response: normalize(response, schema.todo),
Inside of createList.js
we will add a new case for the 'TOGGLE_TODO_SUCCESS'
We'll extract the code for this case into a separate function called handleToggle
, and pass in the state
and the action
// Inside the `ids` reducer
return handleToggle(state, action);
We'll put our handleToggle
function above the ids
reducer. It accepts the state
(an array of ids) and the 'TOGGLE_TODO_SUCCESS'
We will destructure the result
as the toggledId
and the entities
from the normalized response. Next, we will read the completed
value from the todo
, which I get by referencing entities.todos
by the toggledId
There are two cases in which we want to remove the todo from the list:
- The
field istrue
but thefilter
but thefilter
When shouldRemove
is true
, we want to return a copy of the list that does not contain the id of the todo that was just toggled. We accomplish this by filtering the list by id and only leave the ones that have a different id. Otherwise, we return the original array.
const handleToggle = (state, action) => {
const { result: toggledId, entities } = action.response;
const { completed } = entities.todos[toggledId];
const shouldRemove = (
(completed && filter === 'active') ||
(!completed && filter === 'completed')
return shouldRemove ?
state.filter(id => id !== toggledId) :