SwiftMemcache is a Swift Package in development that provides a convenient way to communicate with Memcached servers.
Our MemcacheConnection
allows for communicate with a Memcached server. This actor takes care of establishing a connection, creating a request stream and handling asynchronous execution of commands.
Here's an example of how you can use MemcachedConnection
in a program.
struct Program {
// Use the shared singleton instance of MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup
static let eventLoopGroup = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup.singleton
// Initialize the logger
static let logger = Logger(label: "memcache")
static func main() async throws {
// Instantiate a new MemcacheConnection actor with host, port, and event loop group
let memcacheConnection = MemcacheConnection(host: "", port: 11211, eventLoopGroup: eventLoopGroup)
// Initialize the service group
let serviceGroup = ServiceGroup(services: [memcacheConnection], logger: self.logger)
try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in
// Add the connection actor's run function to the task group
// This opens the connection and handles requests until the task is cancelled or the connection is closed
group.addTask { try await serviceGroup.run() }
// Set a value for a key.
let setValue = "bar"
try await memcacheConnection.set("foo", value: setValue)
// Get the value for a key.
// Specify the expected type for the value returned from Memcache.
let getValue: String? = try await memcacheConnection.get("foo")
// Assert that the get operation was successful by comparing the value set and the value returned from Memcache.
// If they are not equal, this will throw an error.
assert(getValue == setValue, "Value retrieved from Memcache does not match the set value")
// Cancel all tasks in the task group.
// This also results in the connection to Memcache being closed.
We provide a Docker environment for this package. This will automatically start a local Memcached server and run the package tests.
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yaml run test