Releases: sveltejs/svelte
[email protected]
[email protected]
Patch Changes
fix: improve props aliasing (#9900)
feat: add support for
inside snippet block (#9904) -
fix: improve attribute directive reactivity detection (#9907)
fix: improve $inspect batching (#9902)
chore: improve readonly prop messaging (#9901)
fix: better support for top-level snippet declarations (#9898)
[email protected]
Patch Changes
feat: add
events (#9861) -
fix: improve unstate type definition (#9895)
fix: correctly reflect readonly proxy marker (#9893)
chore: improve each block fast-path heuristic (#9855)
fix: improve html tag svg behaviour (#9894)
fix: ensure class constructor values are proxied (#9888)
fix: improve each block index handling (#9889)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Patch Changes
chore: refactor props handling (#9826)
fix: improve each key animations (#9842)
chore: avoid creating thunk for call expressions when appropriate (#9841)
fix: improve signal consumer removal logic (#9837)
fix: ensure computed props are wrapped in derived (#9835)
fix: better handle unowned derived signals (#9832)
fix: improve each block with animate (#9839)
breaking: change
API (#9838)
[email protected]
Patch Changes
fix: better readonly checks for proxies (#9808)
fix: prevent infinite loops stemming from invalidation method (#9811)
fix: improve non state referenced warning (#9809)
fix: reuse existing proxy when object has multiple references (#9821)
fix: improve consistency issues around binding invalidation (#9810)
fix: tweak css nth regex (#9806)
fix: adjust children snippet default type (
) -
fix: correctly apply scope on component children (#9824)
[email protected]
Patch Changes
feat: add unstate utility function (#9776)
fix: ensure proxied array length is updated (#9782)
chore: fix compiler errors test suite (#9754)
fix: ensure transitions properly cancel on completion (#9778)
feat: make fallback prop values readonly (#9789)
fix: tweak invalid dollar prefix rules around function args (#9792)
fix: ensure generated code does not use keywords as variable names (#9790)
feat: disallow fallback values with bindings in runes mode (#9784)
fix: apply event attribute validation to elements only (#9772)
fix: handle css nth-selector syntax (#9754)
feat: throw descriptive error for using runes globals outside of Svelte-compiled files (#9773)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Patch Changes
- fix: port over props that were set prior to initialization (#9701)