index 09b0401d1..70e65014b 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/Checkout/Session.php b/lib/Checkout/Session.php
index a745be502..d4e690046 100644
--- a/lib/Checkout/Session.php
+++ b/lib/Checkout/Session.php
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
* @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $shipping_details Shipping information for this Checkout Session.
* @property \Stripe\StripeObject[] $shipping_options The shipping rate options applied to this Session.
* @property null|string $status The status of the Checkout Session, one of open
, complete
, or expired
- * @property null|string $submit_type Describes the type of transaction being performed by Checkout in order to customize relevant text on the page, such as the submit button. submit_type
can only be specified on Checkout Sessions in payment
mode, but not Checkout Sessions in subscription
or setup
mode. Possible values are auto
, pay
, book
, donate
. If blank or auto
, pay
is used.
+ * @property null|string $submit_type Describes the type of transaction being performed by Checkout in order to customize relevant text on the page, such as the submit button. submit_type
can only be specified on Checkout Sessions in payment
mode. If blank or auto
, pay
is used.
* @property null|string|\Stripe\Subscription $subscription The ID of the subscription for Checkout Sessions in subscription
* @property null|string $success_url The URL the customer will be directed to after the payment or subscription creation is successful.
* @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $tax_id_collection
diff --git a/lib/PaymentMethod.php b/lib/PaymentMethod.php
index c0558b63f..1724496a7 100644
--- a/lib/PaymentMethod.php
+++ b/lib/PaymentMethod.php
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
* @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $revolut_pay
* @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $sepa_debit
* @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $sofort
+ * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $swish
* @property string $type The type of the PaymentMethod. An additional hash is included on the PaymentMethod with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the PaymentMethod type.
* @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $us_bank_account
* @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $wechat_pay
@@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ class PaymentMethod extends ApiResource
const TYPE_REVOLUT_PAY = 'revolut_pay';
const TYPE_SEPA_DEBIT = 'sepa_debit';
const TYPE_SOFORT = 'sofort';
+ const TYPE_SWISH = 'swish';
const TYPE_US_BANK_ACCOUNT = 'us_bank_account';
const TYPE_WECHAT_PAY = 'wechat_pay';
const TYPE_ZIP = 'zip';
diff --git a/lib/Tax/CalculationLineItem.php b/lib/Tax/CalculationLineItem.php
index 8e25c5ec4..70c711e2e 100644
--- a/lib/Tax/CalculationLineItem.php
+++ b/lib/Tax/CalculationLineItem.php
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
* @property string $id Unique identifier for the object.
* @property string $object String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- * @property int $amount The line item amount in integer cents. If tax_behavior=inclusive
, then this amount includes taxes. Otherwise, taxes were calculated on top of this amount.
- * @property int $amount_tax The amount of tax calculated for this line item, in integer cents.
+ * @property int $amount The line item amount in the smallest currency unit. If tax_behavior=inclusive
, then this amount includes taxes. Otherwise, taxes were calculated on top of this amount.
+ * @property int $amount_tax The amount of tax calculated for this line item, in the smallest currency unit.
* @property bool $livemode Has the value true
if the object exists in live mode or the value false
if the object exists in test mode.
* @property null|string $product The ID of an existing Product.
* @property int $quantity The number of units of the item being purchased. For reversals, this is the quantity reversed.
diff --git a/lib/Tax/TransactionLineItem.php b/lib/Tax/TransactionLineItem.php
index 546518a59..a506c6d8e 100644
--- a/lib/Tax/TransactionLineItem.php
+++ b/lib/Tax/TransactionLineItem.php
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
* @property string $id Unique identifier for the object.
* @property string $object String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- * @property int $amount The line item amount in integer cents. If tax_behavior=inclusive
, then this amount includes taxes. Otherwise, taxes were calculated on top of this amount.
- * @property int $amount_tax The amount of tax calculated for this line item, in integer cents.
+ * @property int $amount The line item amount in the smallest currency unit. If tax_behavior=inclusive
, then this amount includes taxes. Otherwise, taxes were calculated on top of this amount.
+ * @property int $amount_tax The amount of tax calculated for this line item, in the smallest currency unit.
* @property bool $livemode Has the value true
if the object exists in live mode or the value false
if the object exists in test mode.
* @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $metadata Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
* @property null|string $product The ID of an existing Product.
diff --git a/lib/TaxRate.php b/lib/TaxRate.php
index b210270de..1afc73749 100644
--- a/lib/TaxRate.php
+++ b/lib/TaxRate.php
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
* @property null|float $effective_percentage Actual/effective tax rate percentage out of 100. For tax calculations with automatic_tax[enabled]=true, this percentage reflects the rate actually used to calculate tax based on the product's taxability and whether the user is registered to collect taxes in the corresponding jurisdiction.
* @property bool $inclusive This specifies if the tax rate is inclusive or exclusive.
* @property null|string $jurisdiction The jurisdiction for the tax rate. You can use this label field for tax reporting purposes. It also appears on your customer’s invoice.
+ * @property null|string $jurisdiction_level The level of the jurisdiction that imposes this tax rate. Will be null
for manually defined tax rates.
* @property bool $livemode Has the value true
if the object exists in live mode or the value false
if the object exists in test mode.
* @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $metadata Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
* @property float $percentage Tax rate percentage out of 100. For tax calculations with automatic_tax[enabled]=true, this percentage includes the statutory tax rate of non-taxable jurisdictions.
@@ -34,6 +35,13 @@ class TaxRate extends ApiResource
use ApiOperations\Retrieve;
use ApiOperations\Update;
const TAX_TYPE_AMUSEMENT_TAX = 'amusement_tax';
const TAX_TYPE_COMMUNICATIONS_TAX = 'communications_tax';
const TAX_TYPE_GST = 'gst';
diff --git a/lib/Terminal/Reader.php b/lib/Terminal/Reader.php
index 5f672bb25..88cfe58b1 100644
--- a/lib/Terminal/Reader.php
+++ b/lib/Terminal/Reader.php
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ class Reader extends \Stripe\ApiResource
const DEVICE_TYPE_STRIPE_M2 = 'stripe_m2';
const DEVICE_TYPE_VERIFONE_P400 = 'verifone_P400';
+ const STATUS_OFFLINE = 'offline';
+ const STATUS_ONLINE = 'online';
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|string $opts