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Test container repository

The test container repository primarily relates to developing and maintaining test container code using an Apache Kafka® image from the strimzi/test-container-images repository. The main dependency is the Testcontainers framework, which lets you control the lifecycle of Docker containers in your tests.

Why use a Test container?

Since the Docker image is a simple encapsulation of Kafka binaries, you can spin up a Kafka container rapidly. Therefore, it is a suitable candidate for the unit or integration testing. If you need something more complex, there is a multi-node Kafka cluster implementation with only infrastructure limitations. The most important classes are described here::

  • StrimziKafkaContainer is a single-node instance of Kafka using the image from with the given version. You can use it in two ways:

    1. As an embedded ZooKeeper to run inside a Kafka container.
    2. As an external ZooKeeper.
    3. In KRaft mode KIP-500, which allows running Apache Kafka without Apache ZooKeeper.

    Additional configuration for Kafka brokers can be injected through methods such as withKafkaConfigurationMap. This container is a good fit for integration testing, but for more comprehensive testing, we suggest using StrimziKafkaCluster.

  • StrimziZookeeperContainer is an instance of ZooKeeper encapsulated inside a Docker container using an image from with the given version. It can be combined with @StrimziKafkaContainer, but we suggest using directly @StrimziKafkaCluster for more complicated testing.

  • StrimziKafkaCluster is a multi-node instance of Kafka and ZooKeeper using the latest image from with the given version. It's a perfect fit for integration or system testing. We always deploy one ZooKeeper with a specified number of Kafka instances, running as a separate container inside Docker. Additional configuration for Kafka brokers can be passed using the builder pattern.

In summary, you can use StrimziKafkaContainer to use a Kafka cluster with a single Kafka broker. Or you can use StrimziKafkaCluster for a Kafka cluster with multiple Kafka brokers.

How to use the Test container?

Using Strimzi test container takes two simple steps:

  1. Add the Strimzi test container as a test dependency of your project
  2. Use the Strimzi test container in your tests, either
    • with the default configuration,
    • or with additional configuration you've specified

Add the Strimzi test container to your project as dependency, for example with Maven:

// in case of 0.108.0 version


i) default configuration

final int brokerId = 1;

StrimziKafkaContainer strimziKafkaContainer = new StrimziKafkaContainer()
// startup of the Kafka container

ii) (Optional) Run Strimzi test container with additional configuration

final int brokerId = 1;

// additional configuration
Map<String, String> additionalKafkaConfiguration = Map.of(
    "log.cleaner.enable", "false", 
    "1000", "ssl.enabled.protocols", "TLSv1", 
    "log.index.interval.bytes", "2048"

StrimziKafkaContainer strimziKafkaContainer = new StrimziKafkaContainer()
// startup of the Kafka container

iii) (Optional) Run Strimzi Kafka container with KRaft (KIP-500)

KRaft (KIP-500) allows running Apache Kafka without Apache ZooKeeper. To run Kafka in KRaft mode use:

StrimziKafkaContainer strimziKafkaContainer = new StrimziKafkaContainer()


iv) (Optional) Run Strimzi Kafka container on a fixed port

By default, the Kafka container will be exposed on a random host port. To expose Kafka on a fixed port:

StrimziKafkaContainer strimziKafkaContainer = new StrimziKafkaContainer()


v) (Optional) Run Strimzi Kafka container with a custom file

You can configure Kafka by providing a file:

StrimziKafkaContainer strimziKafkaContainer = new StrimziKafkaContainer()

Note that configuration properties listeners, advertised.listeners,,, controller.listener.names, zookeeper.connect will be overridden during container startup. Properties configured through withKafkaConfigurationMap will also precede those configured in file.

vi) (Optional) Run Strimzi Kafka container with a custom bootstrap servers

You can customize the bootstrap servers, thus the advertised listeners property by:

StrimziKafkaContainer strimziKafkaContainer = new StrimziKafkaContainer()
        .withBootstrapServers(container -> String.format("SSL://%s:%s", container.getHost(), container.getMappedPort(9092)));

Note that this won't change the port exposed from the container.

vii) (Optional) Waiting for Kafka to be ready

Test Container can block waiting the container to be ready. Before starting the container, use the following code configuring Test Containers to wait until Kafka becomes ready to receive connections:

StrimziKafkaContainer strimziKafkaContainer = new StrimziKafkaContainer()


vii) (Optional) Specify Kafka version

Strimzi test container supported versions can be find in src/main/java/resources/kafka_versions.json file.

StrimziKafkaContainer strimziKafkaContainer = new StrimziKafkaContainer()


If kafka version is not set then the latest version is configured automatically. Latest in this scope is recently released minor version at the point of release of test-containers.

viii) (Optional) Specify Kafka custom image

In case you want to use your custom image (i.e., not from src/main/java/resources/kafka_versions.json) and use for instance Strimzi base image you can achieve it by passing the image name to the constructor:

StrimziKafkaContainer strimziKafkaContainer = new StrimziKafkaContainer("")


Alternatively you can set System property strimzi.test-container.kafka.custom.image:

// explicitly set strimzi.test-container.kafka.custom.image
System.setProperty("strimzi.test-container.kafka.custom.image", "");

StrimziKafkaContainer strimziKafkaContainer = new StrimziKafkaContainer()


ix) (Optional) Specify a proxy container

The proxy container allows to create a TCP proxy between test code and Kafka broker.

Every Kafka broker request will pass through the proxy where you can simulate network conditions (i.e. connection cut, latency).

ToxiproxyContainer proxyContainer = new ToxiproxyContainer(

StrimziKafkaContainer strimziKafkaContainer = new StrimziKafkaContainer()



x) Run a multi-node Kafka cluster

To run a multi-node Kafka cluster, you can use the StrimziKafkaCluster class with the builder pattern.

  1. Default configuration (ZK-based)
StrimziKafkaCluster kafkaCluster = new StrimziKafkaCluster.StrimziKafkaClusterBuilder()

  1. Specified Kafka version, KRaft-enabled and additional Kafka configuration
StrimziKafkaCluster kafkaCluster = new StrimziKafkaCluster.StrimziKafkaClusterBuilder()
    .withKafkaVersion("3.8.0") // if not specified then latest Kafka version is selected
    .withKraft()        // if not specified ZK-based is used
        "log.cleaner.enable", "false"


xi) Logging Kafka Container/Cluster Output to SLF4J

If you want to enable logging of the Kafka container’s output to SLF4J, you can set the environment variable STRIMZI_TEST_CONTAINER_LOGGING_ENABLED to true. By default, this feature is disabled. This can help in debugging or monitoring the Kafka broker’s activities during tests.

Running Mutation Testing

To run mutation testing and assess your code’s robustness against small changes, use the following Maven command:

mvn clean test-compile org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage

This command will execute mutation tests based on the pitest-maven plugin and display results directly in the console.

Viewing Mutation Testing Results

After running the command, results will be available in an HTML report located in target/pit-reports/. Open the index.html file in a browser to view detailed information about the mutation coverage.

Using @DoNotMutate Annotation

For parts of the code primarily covered by integration tests, we can use the @DoNotMutate annotation. Applying this annotation to code ensures that mutation testing will ignore it. This is particularly useful for code components that are challenging to test at a unit level but well-covered in integration tests. Using @DoNotMutate helps keep mutation coverage metrics meaningful by excluding areas where mutation detection would not add value.

Additional tips

  1. In case you are using Azure pipelines Ryuk needs to be turned off, since Azure does not allow starting privileged containers. Disable Ryuk by setting an environment variable::

  2. By default, TestContainers performs a series of start-up checks to ensure that the environment is configured correctly. It takes a couple of seconds, but if you want to speed up your tests, you can disable the checks once you have everything configured. Disable start-up checks by setting an environment variable:

  3. To use podman instead of docker you'll need to enable the podman socket and export a couple of environment variables:

    systemctl --user enable podman.socket --now
    export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///run/user/${UID}/podman/podman.sock
  4. For users running tests with Podman, there is a known issue that may occur:

    2024-10-31 09:48:40 ERROR [1:550] Could not start container
    java.lang.RuntimeException: localhost:2375 failed to respond

    To resolve please update your /etc/containers/containers.conf with:
