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Service Binding Proposal for Strimzi

This document is intended to progress discussion about how to enable Strimzi to work well with the Service Binding Operators that implement the Service Binding spec. It includes some suggested enhancements to Strimzi to make it easier for Service Binding Operators to bind an application to Strimzi. It would be good to settle on an agreement about how these two technologies can best work together so we can begin the technical work to deliver.

The Service Binding specification defines how connection information (e.g. endpoints, username, password) for services such as databases and message brokers are made available to runtime applications in Kubernetes. Version 1 of the specification is due to be released shortly.

Today, Strimzi does not fit very nicely with service binding, it both lacks the status field required by the Service Binding operator and does not make credentials available in a single Secret which is what the Service Binding Operator expects from services that implement the spec.


Current situation

At a high level these are the current problems that make integrating Strimzi with a Service Binding Operator hard:

  1. Bootstrap Server information is not contained in any secret
  2. Information is spread across multiple Secret resources
  3. The user has to determine which KafkaUser can access which listener


This proposal introduces a new custom resource type called KafkaAccess and the application creates a ServiceBinding that binds to this service.

Required changes:

  • Add a new Custom Resource called KafkaAccess that refers to the Kafka, the specific listener and the KafkaUser that should be used
  • The Strimzi operator adds a status.binding to the KafkaAccess status that points to a Kubernetes Secret
  • The Strimzi operator creates a Secret in the same namespace as the KafkaAccess containing all the required information

KafkaAccess CR spec:

kind: KafkaAccess
  name: barista-kafka
    apiVersion: # optional
    name: my-cluster
    namespace: my-namespace # optional, defaults to same namespace as the KafkaAccess
    listener: # optional, when not specified Strimzi will choose an appropriate listener (see implementation below)
      name: tls
  user: # optional
    apiVersion: # optional
    kind: KafkaUser # this is required to allow possible extensions where the user specifies a secret instead of a KafkaUser
    name: my-barista
    namespace: my-namespace # optional, defaults to same namespace as the KafkaAccess
    name: barista-kafka

Secret created by Strimzi:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    name: barista-kafka
    namespace: my-namespace
    type: kafka
    provider: strimzi
    bootstrap.servers: # comma separated list of host:port (this matches the expected format of Kafka clients)
    security.protocol: # one of PLAINTEXT, SASL_PLAINTEXT, SASL_SSL or SSL
    # Provided if TLS enabled:
    ssl.truststore.crt: #  Strimzi cluster CA certificate (copied from ca.crt in <clustername>-cluster-ca-cert secret)
    ssl.truststore.p12: #  PKCS #12 archive file for Strimzi cluster CA certificate (copied from ca.p12 in <clustername>-cluster-ca-cert secret)
    ssl.truststore.password: # Password for protecting the Strimzi cluster CA certificate PKCS #12 archive file (copied from ca.password in <clustername>-cluster-ca-cert secret)
    # Provided if selected user is SCRAM auth:
    username: # SCRAM username
    password: # SCRAM password
    sasl.jaas.config: # sasl jaas config string for use by Java applications
    sasl.mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-512
    # Provided if selected user is mTLS:
    ssl.keystore.p12: # client certificate for the consuming client PKCS #12 archive file for storing certificates and keys (copied from user.p12 in KafkaUser secret)
    ssl.keystore.password: # password for protecting the client certificate PKCS #12 archive file (copied from user.password in KafkaUser secret)
    ssl.keystore.crt: # certificate for the consuming client signed by the clients' CA (copied from user.crt in KafkaUser secret)
    ssl.keystore.key: # private key for the consuming client (copied from user.key in KafkaUser secret)

Naming of secret keys:

This proposal previously considered choosing secret keys that could be reused by other (non-Kafka) operators that use mutualTLS or SASL SCRAM authentication. However, given that Kafka applications generally have a well known list of configuration options they provide, the proposal instead uses those well-known keys. This will make it clearer to application developers what the different keys should be used for.


This proposal will introduce a new KafkaAccess operator. The operator will be separate from the existing strimzi-kafka-operator and live in its own GitHub repo in the strimzi organization.

The actions taken during the reconcile loop of the new operator will be:

  1. The operator can be deployed at cluster-scope where it will watch resources across all namespaces, or in a single namespace, where it will only watch resources in that namespace.
  2. On start-up the operator will watch all resources of Kind KafkaAccess.
  3. For any KafkaAccess resource present it will add a status of NotReady to that CR.
  4. For each KafkaAccess resource it will perform a GET request on the Kafka cluster that is referenced in the KafkaAccess and pick out the configured listeners.
    1. If this or any subsequent GET requests fail due to a 401 (unauthorised) error, the status reason will be updated to reflect this.
  5. The operator will determine which listener to choose:
    1. If there are no listeners in the Kafka CR the reconcile loop will fail.
    2. If the KafkaAccess specifies a listener, the operator will choose this listener.
    3. If there are no listeners specified in the KafkaAccess, but only one listener in the Kafka CR, the operator will choose that listener.
    4. If there are no listeners specified in the KafkaAccess, but multiple listeners listed in the Kafka CR, the operator will filter the list by comparing the tls and authentication properties in the Kafka and KafkaUser CRs.
    5. If there are still multiple listeners after filtering for tls and authentication the operator will choose the one that is of type internal.
    6. If there are still multiple listeners after filtering for internal the operator will sort the listeners alphabetically by name and choose the first one.
    7. If the operator fails to find a suitable listener after filtering the reconcile loop will fail.
  6. The operator will then create a secret and add the bootstrapServers for the chosen listener to that secret.
  7. If the chosen listener uses TLS, the operator will then perform a GET request on the cluster-ca-cert secret and put the certificate and truststore files in the new secret.
  8. If the KafkaAccess references a KafkaUser, the operator will perform a GET request on that user to find the name of the secret containing the credentials and the username from the status if it is provided. The operator will also perform a GET request on the user secret to get any credentials.
  9. The operator will add any user related certificates and credentials to the secret it created earlier.
  10. The operator will add a status.binding to the KafkaAccess resource with the name of the secret.
  11. The operator will then use a Watch or Informer to keep track of changes to the Kafka CR and, if used earlier, the cluster-ca-cert secret, the KafkaUser resource and the secret created by the KafkaUser operator,
  12. The operator will mark the KafkaAccess CR as ready.
  13. If the KafkaAccess CR or any of the other watched resources change the operator will make the matching updates to the secret it created.


This proposal does not change any of the existing CRDs or the secrets that are being created. Instead, it adds a new CRD and secret.

Rejected Alternatives

1 - Application binds to KafkaUser only

In this approach the application creates a ServiceBinding for a specific KafkaUser CR. The credential information is bound to the application and the cluster certificate and bootstrap server address is obtained by the application in another way.

Required changes:

  • Update the KafkaUser CR to include a status.binding field where the name matches the current field secret in the status
  • Update the secret created for the KafkaUser to include the username when the KafkaUser is using type SASL SCRAM


  • In this approach a lot of work is still left up to the application developer to make sure their application has the correct cluster certificate and bootstrap server address.
    • Either they would have to look up the cluster certificate and bootstrap server address and hard code it into their application or a secret in their cluster, or they would have to write custom logic into their app so that it can query the Kafka CR.

2 - Application uses multiple ServiceBinding resources

In this approach the application creates two ServiceBinding resources, one that will bind to the Kafka CR and one that will bind to the KafkaUser CR.

Required changes:

  • Update the KafkaUser CR to include a status.binding field where the name matches the current field secret in the status
  • Update the secret created for the KafkaUser to include the username when the KafkaUser is using type SASL SCRAM
  • Update the Kafka CR to include a status.binding field, where the name refers to a new secret containing both the cluster certificate and bootstrapServers
  • Add a new secret that contains the bootstrap servers for each listener and the cluster certificate information
    • e.g. for listeners, the secret data could be formatted to have one string with all listeners:
        listeners: aW50ZXJuYWxfa2Fma2Euc3ZjOjkwOTIsZXh0ZXJuYWxfbXlob3N0LmNvbTo0NDM= # when base64 decoded something like internal_kafka.svc:9092,
        ca.crt: # Strimzi cluster CA certificate
        ca.p12: # PKCS #12 archive file for Strimzi cluster CA certificate
        ca.password: # Password for protecting the Strimzi cluster CA certificate PKCS #12 archive file
    • e.g. the secret could contain a separate entry for each listener:
      listener.internal: aW50ZXJuYWxfbG9jYWxob3N0OjkwODA= # when base64 decoded something like internal_kafka.svc:9092
      listener.external: ZXh0ZXJuYWxfbXlob3N0LmNvbTo0NDM= # when base64 decoded something like
      ca.crt: # Strimzi cluster CA certificate
      ca.p12: # PKCS #12 archive file for Strimzi cluster CA certificate
      ca.password: # Password for protecting the Strimzi cluster CA certificate PKCS #12 archive file

Note: The Service Binding spec does contain some suggested secret fields for certificates, but they will not suffice to encapsulate all the certificate related information that an application needs. Hence, the suggestion of the separate fields above.


  • This approach results in a new secret being required that contains copies of existing secrets
  • It does not help the user to decide which listener to use. The application would need to parse the secret to pick out the correct listener from the list

3 - Application binds to KafkaUser resource that contains all details

In this approach the application only binds to the KafkaUser and the secret created for the KafkaUser contains all the required details.

Required changes:

  • Update the KafkaUser CR to include a status.binding field where the name matches the current field secret in the status
  • Update the secret created for the KafkaUser to include the username when the KafkaUser is using type SASL SCRAM
  • Update the secret created for the KafkaUser to include the bootstrap servers for each listener
  • Update the secret created for the KafkaUser to include the cluster certificate information


  • This approach results in a lot more information being added to each KafkaUser secret
  • It does not help the user to decide which listener to use. The application would need to parse the secret to pick out the correct listener from the list

Possible extensions to allow only one bootstrap server to be listed:

  • Could only add bootstrap server addresses for listeners that support the authentication type that the KafkaUser supports
  • Could update the KafkaUser CR to include spec.binding.listener field which would then determine the listener bootstrap server address that is added to the secret

Overview of Service Binding specification

This gives a short introduction to the Service Binding specification to help demonstrate the requirements they would place on Strimzi. See full spec on GitHub.

Binding Secret in Status

The Service Binding specification requires that a provisioned service includes in its status a field called binding. Where this field contains a single field name that refers to the name of a secret that should be mounted to any application that requests to bind to the service. The specification then further details recommended formats for that secret.

    name: # secret name

Secret reference in ServiceBinding resource

The Service Binding specification requires that an application is bound to a service using a Custom Resource of kind ServiceBinding. The ServiceBinding includes a workload section that defines the application that is to be bound and a service section that describes the service the application is bound to.

kind: ServiceBinding
  name: barista-kafka
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployments
    name: barista-kafka
    kind: Kafka
    name: my-cluster

If the service being bound does not contain a status.binding field the ServiceBinding can directly reference the secret to use in one of two ways:

  • Including a spec.env section that refers to a Secret that is made available by the service
  • Replacing the spec.service section with a direct reference to a Secret that is made available by the service

Env Mapping Example

kind: ServiceBinding
  name: barista-kafka
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployments
    name: barista-kafka
    kind: Kafka
    name: my-cluster
    name: my-user
    key: password

Direct Secret Reference Example

kind: ServiceBinding
  name: barista-kafka
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployments
    name: barista-kafka
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
    name: my-user