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Routes, Permissions and Filter

Steve edited this page Sep 2, 2013 · 1 revision

##Permissions Permission are base on Sentry 2, please refer to Sentry Website for more information.

##Filter The auth.cpanel filter can be use to protect your route. Here a example on how to apply the filter on a route

Route::group(array('prefix' => 'admin', 'before' => 'auth.cpanel'), function()
    Route::resource('posts', 'AdminPostsController');

By default the filter make some assumption. These can be overriden if a filter parameter is provided.

  • You are using a prefix route. In the above example the prefix is admin.
  • You are using name route.
    • admin.posts.index
    • admin.posts.create

The auth.cpanel filter use Route::currentRouteName() to determine which permission to apply on a route.

  • The route name admin.posts.index will look for permission on posts.view
  • The route name will look for permission on posts.view
  • The route name admin.posts.create will look for permission on posts.create
  • The route name will look for permission on posts.create
  • The route name admin.posts.edit will look for permission on posts.update
  • The route name admin.posts.update will look for permission on posts.update
  • The route name admin.posts.destroy will look for permission on posts.delete

A custom filter parameter can also be supply for custom route.

Route::get('admin/foo', array(
    'uses'   => 'MyController@getFoo',
    'before' => 'auth.cpanel:foo.view'

In this case the filter will check for foo.view permission.


  1. Let's create a route for a controller
Route::group(array('prefix' => 'admin', 'before' => 'auth.cpanel'), function()
    Route::resource('posts', 'AdminPostsController');
  1. Create the permissions. Go to the users > permissions and click New Permission.
  • Module name will be posts
  • select view, create, update, delete

So now the folowing permissions will be apply on our routes as follow

  • http:://localhost/admin/posts
    • Route name is admin.posts.index
    • Filter will look for permission on posts.view
  • http:://localhost/admin/posts/1
    • Route name is
    • Filter will look for permission on posts.view
  • http:://localhost/admin/posts/create
    • Route name is admin.posts.create
    • Filter will look for permission on posts.create
  • Form post action to http:://localhost/admin/posts/create
    • Route name is
    • Filter will look for permission on posts.create
  • http:://localhost/admin/1/edit
    • Route name is admin.posts.edit
    • Filter will look for permission on posts.update
  • Form put action http:://localhost/admin/1/edit
    • Route name is admin.posts.update
    • Filter will look for permission on posts.update
  • http:://localhost/admin/1/destroy
    • Route name is admin.posts.destroy
    • Filter will look for permission on posts.delete
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