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Image Splicing Detection
Official repository for "Image splicing forgery detection by combining synthetic adversarial networks and hybrid dense U‐net based on multiple spaces"
Adversarial Learning for Constrained Image Splicing Detection and Localization based on Atrous Convolution
Code for the paper: Fighting Fake News: Image Splice Detection via Learned Self-Consistency
Official code for CAT-Net: Compression Artifact Tracing Network. Image manipulation detection and localization.
Official repository for "RRU-Net: The Ringed Residual U-Net for Image Splicing Forgery Detection" (CVPRW 2019)
The pytorch re-implement of the official BusterNet with demo pretrained weights.
基于论文Learning Rich Features for Image Manipulation Detection的学习与代码详解
基于双流 Faster R-CNN 网络的 图像篡改检测
Paper: CVPR2018, Learning Rich Features for Image Manipulation Detection
The code for Multi-task SE-Network for Image Splicing Localization
A general image manipulation detection model.