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SDK senders pooling experiment

The goal of this experiment was to demonstrate Service Bus implicit message batching mechanism. In order to do this, the benchmark was run with two different configurations - with no SDK sender pooling (Incoming Requests < Incoming Messages due to batching) and with a pool of 1.000 SDK senders (Incoming Requests = Incoming Messages).

Afterwards the first test was retried, but with disabled batching store access on the server side, to see if this mechanism is responsible for the observed batching, but the results were the same - the batching still occurs.

Testing environment

  • Tests were being run from a Mac OS machine outside of Azure infrastructure (however similar results were observed from Linux AKS nodes inside Azure network).
  • The target Service Bus namespace was a Premium tier with 1 Messaging Unit.
  • The target entity was a single topic with no subscriptions (created by the benchmark tool on the startup).

Test Results

No pooling scenario

The test was run with following configuration:

dotnet ThroughputTest.dll -C "$CONN_STR" -S benchmark -s 1 -r 0 -i 100 

Incoming Messages / Incoming Requests metric during the test:


CPU during the test:


Pooling scenario

The test was run with following configuration:

dotnet ThroughputTest.dll -C "$CONN_STR" -S benchmark -s 1 -r 0 -i 100 -p 1000 

Incoming Messages / Incoming Requests metric during the test (the charts are overlapping because the values of both metrics are equal):


CPU during the test:


No pooling scenario with disabled batched store access

The test was run with following configuration:

dotnet ThroughputTest.dll -C "$CONN_STR" -S benchmark -s 1 -r 0 -i 100 -p 1000 -B 

Incoming Messages / Incoming Requests metric during the test:


CPU during the test:



When reusing a single SDK sender, our observations led to conclusion that there was some kind of implicit batching happening, either on the Service Bus side or the client side, because the number of Incoming Requests was much lower than the number of Incoming Messages. On the other hand, when pooling a relatively high number of SDK senders, the number of Incoming Requests and Incoming Messages were exactly the same.

This may suggests that the batching is happening on the client-side, because if it happened on the server side, we would expect that the number of SDK senders on the client side would not affect the level of batching. The other possibility is that the batching is happening on the server side, but only "per topic client" - meaning that the Service Bus does not batch together messages coming from multiple clients.

The last test shows that the batching we have observed is not related to the batching store access functionality of the Service Bus, because when we disabled it, the results were the same.

Original README content below:

Azure Service Bus Throughput Performance Test

This code sample illustrates the available throughput performance options for Azure Service Bus clients and also allows for running experiments that dynamically adjust some tuning parameters.

This tool is meant to be used with Azure Service Bus Premium and not with Azure Service Bus Standard. Azure Service Bus Premium is designed to provide predictable performance, meaning that the results you measure with this tool are representative of the performance you can expect for your applications.

The sample assumes that you are generally familiar with the Service Bus .NET SDK and with how to set up namespaces and entities within those namespaces.

The sample can either send and receive messages from a single instance, or just act as either sender or receiver, allowing simulation of different scenarios.

The sending side supports sending messages singly or in batches, and it supports pipelining of send operations whereby up to a certain number of messages are kept in flight and their acknowledgement is handled asynchronously. You can start one or multiple concurrent senders, and each sender can be throttled by imposing a pause between individual send operations.

The receive side supports the "ReceiveAndDelete" and "PeekLock" receive modes, one or multiple concurrent receive loops, single or batch receive operations, and single or batch completion. You can simulate having multiple concurrent handlers on a receiver and you can also impose a delay to simulate work.

What to expect

This sample is specifically designed to test throughput limits of queues and topics/subscriptions in Service Bus namespaces. It does not measure end-to-end latency, meaning how fast messages can pass through Service Bus under optimal conditions. The goals of achieving maximum throughput and the lowest end-to-end latency are fundamentally at odds, as you might know first-hand from driving a car. Either you can go fast on a street with light traffic, or the street can handle a maximum capacity of cars at the same time, but at the cost of individual speed. The goal of this sample is to find out where the capacity limits are.

As discussed in the product documentation, network latency has very significant impact on the achievable throughput. If you are running this sample from your development workstation, throughput will be substantially lower than from within an Azure VM. If you want to test limits for a scenario where the Service Bus client will reside inside Azure, you should also run this test inside Azure on a Windows or Linux VM that resides within the same region as the Service Bus namespace you want to test.

In an in-region setup, and with ideal parameters, you can achieve send rates exceeding 20000 msg/sec at 1024 bytes per message from a single client, meaning that a 1GB queue will fill up in under a minute. Also be aware that receive operations are generally more costly and therefore slower than send operations, which means that a test with maximum send pressure (several senders using batching) may not be sustainable for longer periods because the receivers might not be able to keep up.

Building the Tool

The tool is a .NET Core project that can produce standalone executables for Linux and Windows, whereby we'll assume x64 targets.

For Linux, with the .NET Core 3.0 SDK installed, run:

	dotnet publish -c Release -f netcoreapp3.0 -r linux-x64

The output application can be found in the bin/Release/netcoreapp3.0/linux-x64/publishsubdirectory.

For Windows, run:

	dotnet publish -c Release -f netcoreapp3.0 -r win-x64

The output application can be found in the bin\Release\netcoreapp3.0\win-x64\publishsubdirectory.

Running the Tool

You can run the tool locally from your own machine or you can run it from within an Azure VM. You should run the tool on the platform you are targeting, because performance differs between Linux and Windows due to their different I/O architectures and different implementation of the platform layer in .NET Core.

The only required command line arguments are a connection string and a send path. If the connection string includes an EntityPath property for a queue, the send path can be omitted. If the receive path is not given, the tool assumes the send path and the receive path to be the same, which is sufficient for queues. For topics, the subscription(s) must be given with explicit receive path options.

You can test any valid Service Bus topology with this tool, including Topics with subscriptions and chained entities with auto-forward set up between them. Therefore, the send path and the receive path do not have to be on the same entity. You can also receive from dead-letter queues.

Scenario Arguments
Send to and receive from a queue ThroughputTest -C {connection-string} -S myQueueName
Send to a topic and receive from a subscription ThroughputTest -C {connection-string} -S myTopicName -R myTopicName/subscriptions/mySubName
Send to a topic and receive from two subscriptions ThroughputTest -C {connection-string} -S myTopicName -R myTopicName/subscriptions/mySubNameA myTopicName/subscriptions/mySubNameB
Send a queue ThroughputTest -C {connection-string} -S myQueueName -r 0
Receive from a queue ThroughputTest -C {connection-string} -S myQueueName -s 0


The tool prints out interleaved statistics for sends and receives. Send information is prefixed with S (and in yellow), receive information is prefixed with R and printed in cyan. The columns are separated with the pipe symbol and therefore parseable.

Send output columns

Column Description
pstart Begin of the data recording for this row (seconds from start of run)
pend End of data recording for this row
sbc Send batch count
mifs Max inflight sends
snd.avg Average send duration (to acknowledgement receipt) in milliseconds Median send duration Standard deviation for send duration
snd.min Minimum send duration
snd.max Maximum send duration
gld.avg Average gate lock duration in milliseconds. This measure tracks whether the internal async thread pool queue gets backed up. If this value shoots up, you should reduce the number of concurrent inflight sends, because the application sends more than what can be put on the wire. Median gate lock duration Standard deviation for gate lock duration
gld.min Minimum gate lock duration
gld.max Maximum gate lock duration
msg/s Throughput in messages per second
total Total messages sent in this period
sndop Total send operations in this period
errs Errors
busy Busy errors
overall Total messages sent in this run

Receive output columns

Column Description
pstart Begin of the data recording for this row (seconds from start of run)
pend End of data recording for this row
rbc Receive batch count
mifr Max inflight receives
rcv.avg Average receive duration (to message receipt) in milliseconds Median receive duration Standard deviation for receive duration
rcv.min Minimum receive duration
rcv.max Maximum receive duration
cpl.avg Average completion duration in milliseconds. Median completion duration Standard deviation for completion duration
cpl.min Minimum completion duration
cpl.max Maximum completion duration
msg/s Throughput in messages per second
total Total messages received in this period
rcvop Total receive operations in this period
errs Errors
busy Busy errors
overall Total messages sent in this run


When only called with a connection string and send/receive paths, the tool will concurrently send and receive messages to/from the chosen Service Bus entity.

If you just want to send messages, set the receiver count to zero with -r 0. If you only want to receive messages, set the sender count to zero with -s 0.

The biggest throughput boosts yield the enabling of send and receive batching, meaning the sending and receiving of several messages in one operation. This oprtion will maximize throughput and show you the practical limits, but you should always keep an eye on whether batching is a practical approach for your specific solution.

The "inflight-sends" and "inflight-receives" options also have very significant throughput impact. "inflight-sends" tracks how many messages are being sent asynchronously and in a pipelined fashion while waiting for the operations to complete. The "inflight-receives" option controls how many messages are being received and processed concurrently.

The further options are listed below:

Parameter Description
-C, --connection-string Required. Connection string
-S, --send-path Send path. Queue or topic name, unless set in connection string EntityPath.
-R, --receive-paths Receive paths. Mandatory for receiving from topic subscriptions. Must be {topic}/subscriptions/{subscription-name} or {queue-name}
-n, --number-of-messages Number of messages to send (default 1000000)
-b, --message-size-bytes Bytes per message (default 1024)
-f, --frequency-metrics Frequency of metrics display (seconds, default 10s)
-m, --receive-mode Receive mode.'PeekLock' (default) or 'ReceiveAndDelete'
-r, --receiver-count Number of concurrent receivers (default 1)
-e, --prefetch-count Prefetch count (default 0)
-t, --send-batch-count Number of messages per batch (default 0, no batching)
-s, --sender-count Number of concurrent senders (default 1)
-d, --send-delay Delay between sends of any sender (milliseconds, default 0)
-i, --inflight-sends Maximum numbers of concurrent in-flight send operations (default 1)
-j, --inflight-receives Maximum number of concurrent in-flight receive operations per receiver (default 1)
-v, --receive-batch-count Max number of messages per batch (default 0, no batching)
-w, --receive-work-duration Work simulation delay between receive and completion (milliseconds, default 0, no work)
-p, --sdk-sender-pool-size Size of SDK senders pool per concurrent sender (default - 1, single sender)
-B, --disable-batch-store-access Should the batch store access be disabled when creating the topic (default - false)