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VM Setup

Sang-Hoon Kim edited this page Mar 21, 2018 · 28 revisions


This guide describes how to set up a testing environment for Popcorn Linux using qemu virtual machines. Basically, we will run two VMs - one for x86 and one for arm - on a x86 host, where the host and VMs are connected over Ethernet. To ease the testing, we will compile the kernel at the host (not inside of the VMs) and boot VMs using the kernel on the host's file system. The examples and commands are based on Debian 8 Jessie, but you may use Ubuntu as well.

--------------   --------------
|   Node 0   |   |   Node 1   |
|            |   |            |
|    x86     |   |    arm     |
| |   | |
--------------   --------------
|  qem-x86   |   |  qemu-arm  |
|  linux-x86       linux-arm  |
|                             |   ------------
|         host (x86)          |   | Gateway  |
|          |---| |--- Internet
-------------------------------   ------------

Prepare for the setup

  • The machine should have;

    • At least 20 GB of storage
    • 8 GB of RAM (qemu scripts below initiate VMs with 4 GB each. You can change -m option in the scripts to use different size of memory)
  • Let's start with updating apt repository and install some utilities:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libncursesw5-dev git curl bc
  • Download following files and place them in the same directory on the host.
Item Filename URL
Kernel source popcorn-kernel.tar.gz
x86 VM image x86.img
arm VM image arm.img
  • The directory should be as follows:
$ ls
arm.img     popcorn-kernel.tar.gz   x86.img
  • Unzipping the kernel source will give a bare git repository popcorn-kernel.git
$ tar -xzf popcorn-kernel.tar.gz
  • You can also directly clone from the source from github:
$ git clone

Set up the host network interface

To provide network interfaces to the host and VMs at the same time, we make the host's NIC as a bridged interface and tap VMs' NICs to the bridged interface. We assume the host uses, x86 VM, and ARM VM in subnet. Change address, netmask, gateway and dns-nameservers fields accordingly if you want to use other IP addresses/subnet.

  • Install bridge-related utilities:
$ sudo apt-get install bridge-utils
  • Edit /etc/network/interfaces to setup the host's eth0 as a bridged interface:
$ sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet manual

auto br0
iface br0 inet static
    bridge_ports eth0
    bridge_stp off
    bridge_fd 0
    bridge_maxwait 0
  • Allow IP forwarding at the host
$ sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

$ sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf 
  • Reload the NIC configuration.
$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
  • NIC configuration should be like:
$ brctl show
 bridge name        bridge id                STP enabled       interfaces
 br0                8000.0cc47adec9ca        no                eth0

$ sudo ifconfig
br0       Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 0c:c4:7a:de:c9:ca
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 0c:c4:7a:de:c9:ca
  • Also, the host should be able to connect to the Internet as it was.

Set up x86 virtual machine

  • Firstly, install the qemu package to emulate x86 systems:
$ sudo apt-get install qemu-system-x86
  • Qemu -kernel and -append options allows to boot VMs with a kernel image on the host's filesystem. This is very handy during the testing stage since we can instantly test a kernel by compiling it on the host (using all cores!) and booting VMs using the newly built kernel without additional copy/setup/update. Let's build the x86 kernel first at the host.

  • Create a working directory for x86 kernel and set to use the pre-made kernel configuration:

$ git clone popcorn-kernel.git linux-x86
$ cp linux-x86/.config-qemu-x86 linux-x86/.config
  • You can use your own configuration file, but MAKE SURE that the following configurations are disabled:

    • Page should be 4 KB.
      • ARM should select ARM64_4K_PAGES
      • PPC should use CONFIG_PPC_4K_PAGES.
  • Build the kernel:

$ make -C linux-x86 -j 8
  • Start the x86 virtual machine with:
$ sudo qemu-system-x86_64 \
    -enable-kvm -cpu host -smp 2 -m 4096 -no-reboot -nographic \
    -drive id=root,media=disk,file=x86.img \
    -net nic,macaddr=00:da:bc:de:00:13 -net tap \
    -kernel linux-x86/arch/x86/boot/bzImage \
    -append "root=/dev/sda1 console=ttyS0"
  • A VM will be started using the kernel image in linux-x86 directory and using the current terminal as its console. If the host does not support KVM, remove -enable-kvm option. The VM will automatically login into popcorn account. The password for popcorn and root are "popcorn" by default. Also, popcorn account is in the sudoer list.

  • Check that the kernel is the one that we built:

popcorn@x86:~$ uname -a
Linux x86 4.4.55-popcorn+ #1779 SMP Thu Nov 2 11:20:13 EDT 2017 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  • Check the network status:
popcorn@x86:~$ sudo ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:da:bc:de:00:13
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  • If the network interface is not shown, check /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules so that ATTR{address} field matches to the MAC address given as the qemu option (macaddr=00:da:bc:de:00:13 in above). Also, you can edit /etc/network/interface to change the IP address.

  • You should be able to ssh to the VM from the host:

$ ssh [email protected]
  • Now, the x86 VM is up and ready to use!

Set up ARM virtual machine

The overall procedure for ARM is very similar to that on x86. The only difference is, we need to cross-compile the ARM kernel from the host. To this end, install the crossbuild suite first, cross-compile the kernel, and boot the ARM VM using the kernel. describes the in-depth guide to install crossbuild suite in various Debian distributions. We will here follow the steps for Debian Jessie. Please refer to the Internet documents for installing the crossbuild toolchain on your Linux distribution.

  • On Ubuntu (x86-64), you can simply install the gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu package to get the toolchain. Congratulation!

  • Installing on Debian is not that simple as Debian removed the suites from its repository. Firstly, create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/crosstools.list with the following repository info:

$ sudo echo "deb jessie main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/crosstools.list
  • Configure apt-get and install the suite:
$ curl | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture arm64
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install crossbuild-essential-arm64
  • OK, let's prepare for the kernel source and config for ARM:
$ git clone popcorn-kernel.git linux-arm
$ cp linux-arm/.config-qemu-arm linux-arm/.config
  • Crossbuild the kernel with ARCH="arm64". If it fails to locate the compiler, edit CROSS_CROSS_COMPILE entry in .config (currently it is set to aarch64-linux-gnu-)
$ ARCH="arm64" make -C linux-arm -j 8
  • In the meantime, let's install the qemu for arm:
$ sudo apt-get install qemu-system-arm
  • After the kernel build is completed, starting the VM:
$ sudo qemu-system-aarch64 \
    -machine virt -cpu cortex-a57 -m 4096 -nographic \
    -drive id=root,if=none,media=disk,file=arm.img \
    -device virtio-blk-device,drive=root \
    -netdev type=tap,id=net0 \
    -device virtio-net-device,netdev=net0,mac=00:da:bc:de:02:11 \
    -kernel linux-arm/arch/arm64/boot/Image \
    -append "root=/dev/vda console=ttyAMA0"
  • The VM will automatically login as popcorn. Check the kernel status:
popcorn@arm:~$ uname -a
Linux arm 4.4.55-popcorn+ #266 SMP Thu Nov 2 10:41:16 EDT 2017 aarch64 GNU/Linux

popcorn@arm:~$ sudo ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:da:bc:de:02:11
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  • Likewise x86, check MAC addresses in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and the qemu option if the network interface is not shown up.

Set up PPC virtual machine

It is same to the ARM's case; crossbuild PPC kernel on x86 and run qemu with a set of proper configurations. PPC VM image is available at here

$ sudo apt-get install qemu-system-ppc
$ git clone [email protected]:ssrg-vt/popcorn-kernel.git linux-ppc
$ cp linux-ppc/.config-qemu-ppc64le linux-ppc/.config
$ ARCH="powerpc" make -C linux-ppc -j 8

You can start the VM with:

$ sudo qemu-system-ppc64 -machine pseries-2.1 -smp cores=1,threads=1 -m 2048 \
	-nodefaults -nographic -serial mon:stdio \
	-kernel linux-ppc/arch/powerpc/boot/zImage \
	-append root=/dev/sda2 \
	-device spapr-vscsi \
	-drive id=root,media=disk,file=ppc.img \
	-netdev type=tap,id=net0 \
	-device e1000,netdev=net0,mac=00:da:bc:de:02:20

Setup the Popcorn messaging layer

Popcorn Linux is comprised of many subsystems and a messaging module. The messaging module contains the network and system configurations (in this example, a machine at is node 0, a machine at is node 1), and the rest of Popcorn subsystems are initialized only after the messaging module is successfully loaded. When we insert the messaging module into the kernel, Popcorn identifies itself (e.g., I am node 0 on x86 as my IP address is and establishes connections to all nodes in the cluster (node 1 in this case). Currently such configurations are hardcoded in the ip_addresses[] array in msg_layer/config.h in the source code. All kernels in the same Popcorn "cluster" should have the identical configuration.

  • Let check the configuration from linux-x86/msg_layer/config.h. Edit the IP addresses accordingly if you are using your IP address set:
const char *ip_addresses[] = {
    "", /* x86 address */
    "", /* arm address */
  • Compile the message layer module for x86:
$ make -C linux-x86 -j 8 msg_layer/msg_socket.ko
  LD [M]  msg_layer/msg_socket.ko
  • Copy the module to the x86 VM:
$ scp linux-x86/msg_layer/msg_socket.ko [email protected]:
  • Load the module at the x86 VM:
popcorn@x86:~$ sudo insmod ./msg_socket.ko
[   22.155240]  *  0:
[   22.156029]     1:
[   22.156744]
  • The message implies the Popcorn cluster is comprised of two nodes; node 0 at and node 1 at, and the * in front of 0 indicates this is node 0.

  • Let's do the same for the ARM VM:

$ cp linux-x86/msg_layer/config.h linux-arm/msg_layer/
$ ARCH="arm64" make -C linux-arm -j 8 msg_layer/msg_socket.ko
$ scp linux-arm/msg_layer/msg_socket.ko [email protected]:
  • Load the module on the ARM VM:
popcorn@arm:~$ sudo insmod ./msg_socket.ko
[   48.433928]     0:
[   48.434146]  *  1:
[   48.434278]
[   48.465160]   1 identified as arm
[   48.465382]   0 identified as x86
  • You could see the similar message from x86 console
[  132.347344]   0 identified as x86
[  132.348349]   1 identified as arm

Congratulation! Now, the VMs are connected over the messaging layer, and ready to migrate threads!