This folder contains an example usage of the opaque-wasm library to implement a login (and register) form which uses the OPAQUE protocol.
pnpm i
pnpm run build
pnpm run start
# Go to http://localhost:1337 in your browser
The server and the client are extremely minimal and only implements the required bits for the register and login flow. A lot of things are out of scope for this example! Here's a non-exhaustive list of things you'll need to figure out by yourself:
- OPAQUE's Application Considerations
- Authentication cookies
- Proper credentials identifier handling
- Password policy validation
- This step must be done client-side. It defeats the purpose of the protocol to expose the password to the server for validating a password policy.
- There has been some publications about Zero Knowledge Password Policy Checks (ZKPPC), but none is in a usable
state at this time. In the future, maybe!
- Zero-Knowledge Password Policy Check from Lattices (2017):
- Blind Password Registration for Verifier-based PAKE (2016):
- Multi-factor authentication
- Server scalability
- Rate limiting
- ...
The error handling and validation are also very minimal and are absolutely NOT sufficient for a real production app!
Contents of this folder are licensed under the 0BSD license, a public-domain equivalent license.