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Sympy Latex rendering behavior and fallback logic #21583

7 of 10 tasks
cr941131 opened this issue Dec 4, 2023 · 7 comments
7 of 10 tasks

Sympy Latex rendering behavior and fallback logic #21583

cr941131 opened this issue Dec 4, 2023 · 7 comments


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cr941131 commented Dec 4, 2023

Issue Report Checklist

  • Searched the issues page for similar reports
  • Read the relevant sections of the Spyder Troubleshooting Guide and followed its advice
  • Reproduced the issue after updating with conda update spyder (or pip, if not using Anaconda)
  • Could not reproduce inside jupyter qtconsole (if console-related)
  • Tried basic troubleshooting (if a bug/error)
    • Restarted Spyder
    • Reset preferences with spyder --reset
    • Reinstalled the latest version of Anaconda
    • Tried the other applicable steps from the Troubleshooting Guide
  • Completed the Problem Description, Steps to Reproduce and Version sections below

Problem Description

When I try to use Spyder to render LaTeX, in the IPython console, it's not rendered in a nice font, but rather in a bold typeface. However, on the contrary, when I use Jupyter Notebook, which is also installed via Anaconda, it renders normally

What steps reproduce the problem?


What is the expected output? What do you see instead?


Paste Traceback/Error Below (if applicable)


Package                       Version
----------------------------- ---------------
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scipy                         1.11.1
Scrapy                        2.8.0
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Send2Trash                    1.8.0
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toolz                         0.12.0
tornado                       6.3.2
tqdm                          4.65.0
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transformers                  4.32.1
Twisted                       22.10.0
twisted-iocpsupport           1.0.2
typing_extensions             4.7.1
tzdata                        2023.3
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ujson                         5.4.0
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urllib3                       1.26.16
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Werkzeug                      2.2.3
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ypy-websocket                 0.8.2
zict                          2.2.0
zipp                          3.11.0
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dalthviz commented Dec 5, 2023

Hi @cr941131 thank you for the feedback! Do you have LaTeX installed on your machine (via TextLive, MikTex or some other distribution)? Since the IPython console inside Spyder is an "embeded" QtConsole, I think if you don't have LaTeX installed Sympy fallbacks to render things using matplotlib if available, if it's not available then fallbacks to use the Unicode pretty printer. For more info about Sympy printing you can check:

Let us know if the info above helps!

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cr941131 commented Dec 5, 2023

Thank you for your response.

I usually use Obsidian, Jupyter Notebook, and VSCode to write LaTeX, and they have worked well before, just like the image I provided earlier. Since both Jupyter Notebook and VS Code can render LaTeX properly, I haven't installed LaTeX.

However, recently, when I tried to render LaTeX with Spyder, I encountered the font issue mentioned above.



Jupyter notebook:








python code

from sympy import *
from IPython.display import display
x, y, z, t = symbols('x y z t')            
k, m, n = symbols('k m n', integer=True)   
f, g, h = symbols('f g h', cls=Function)   
# init_printing()

a = Integral(cos(x)*exp(x), x)
eq1 = Eq(a, a.doit())


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dalthviz commented Dec 5, 2023

Yep, that makes sense. I would say that the rendering works over Obsidian, VSCode and Jupyter notebooks since they use web based technologies and they can use for rendering things like MathJax.

Also, just in case, I did a quick test of installing MikTex and I was able to see LaTex rendering:


So basically if you want to see LaTex rendering from the Spyder IPython console you need to install some LaTex distribution. For more info about the fallback behavior Sympy uses you can check this OS post:

I think there is not much from the Spyder side we can do but let us know if the info above helps!

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cr941131 commented Dec 6, 2023

Thanks! It works now


@cr941131 cr941131 closed this as completed Dec 6, 2023
@dalthviz dalthviz changed the title Sympy Latex font rendering not well Sympy Latex rendering behavior and fallback logic Dec 6, 2023
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I have a similiar question regarding LaTeX in Spyder.
I have done the previous step you have mentioned (downloading MiKTeX) and when I type a variable in the IPython Console (marked with orange), it does give me the variable in LaTeX font. But when I click on the "Run File" button (marked with purple) it does not show the variable in LaTeX font.
LaTeX Spyder
My question is: How can I make it so that when I click on the Run File button, the variable comes out in the LaTeX font?

Thank you in advance.

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@metagross4, when you run print(z), you get the string version of z instead of the Latex one. You can check it yourself by running print(z) (instead of z) directly in the IPython console.

A workaround to avoid that is to change print(z) by z in your code in the editor and then run it with the Run cell button, i.e. with this one


Then you'll get the latex version of your symbol.

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@ccordoba12 Thank you for replying, it worked!

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