Changelog - see for conventions
- upgraded to Kotlin 1.8.10
- PR #116 : Bitbucket support
- PR #115 : better parsing in JsonPathParser
- upgraded to Spring Boot 2.7.5 and Kotlin 1.7.21 BREAKING CHANGE : since Spring Boot has been upgraded some dependencies versions have been updated (like okhttp for instance)
- now possible to configure
- PR #101 : adding code search capability for Azure Devops (for pathsForHitsOnRepoSearch misc task)
- PR #96 / 97 : renaming some config keys
- PR #94 : Added first Azure Devops capabilities
- PR #91 / 92 : upgraded to latest Spring Boot (2.6.4) and Kotlin (1.6.10)
- PR #93 : now expecting that target source control is explicitly defined in config
- quick fix to output miscTaskresults in CIdroidReadyJsonFileOutput
- will not fetch archived repositories for GitLab anymore
- PR #87 : building on JDK 11
- Added RecentRepositoriesCsvFileOutput
- PR #83 : Support for GitLab crawling ! see basic documentation in
- BREAKING CHANGE : as part of GitLab implementation, did a minor refactoring changing the signature of fetchCodeSearchResult in RemoteGitHub
- PR #81 : updated to Spring Boot 2.2.2 and Kotlin 1.3.60
- PR #80 : now building using openjdk 8
- PR #84 : when results are pushed to HTTP output, serializing the timestamp in an easily readable format
- issue #78 - now we can report the number of open PRs and branches for each repository
- possibility to configure targetUrl with a date pattern (useful when POSTing to ElasticSearch)
- Upgraded Jacoco to 0.8.3
- Upgraded Spring Boot to 2.1.2
- adding a JsonPath parser
- issue #72 - checking that Oauth token is not blank
- optional withTags property on ciDroidJsonReadyFile output
- properties auto-completion in IDE
- new output available : SearchPatternInCodeCsvFileOutput
- new action available : PathsForHitsOnRepoSearch
- upgrade to Kotlin 1.3.10
- upgrade to Spring Boot 2.1.0
- BREAKING CHANGE - all properties are now under a github-crawler prefix
- BREAKING CHANGE - introducing misc-repository-tasks in config : searches need to be moved there
- BREAKING CHANGE - issue #66 : in config, renamed property name from "method" to "type"
- issue #62 - removing topics field from OutputIndicator -> use tags instead
- Kotlin compiler warnings
- issue #41 - fetching commits on a repo was failing
- upgraded dom4j version to fix vulnerability CVE-2018-1000632
- issue #44 - CountXmlElementsParser makes the crawler crash when there's a parsing issue
- issue #46 - now stacktrace is logged when there's a runtime exception during processing
- YamlParser can now parse results that are lists without crashing
- a property (crawlInParallel) to enable/disable the parallel processing or repositories. default is true
- issue #39 - handling exception during yaml parsing to avoid crash
- issue #35 - new parser : CountXmlElementsParser
- issue #31 - now handling invalid search results without crashing
- issue #34 - now giving details when HttpOutput POST fails
- issue #10 - migrated to Spring Boot 2.0.4
- issue #29 - not crashing anymore when fetching commits from a repository that is empty
- following issue #3 - parsing of repo config shouldn't fail on unknown element
- issue #25 - we can now parse user's repo, not only organization's
- using Github OAuth token to send authenticated requests to : this way, we're not impacted by the rate-limit
- issue #3 : Github topics are now used for tags.
- related to issue #3 - tags in repoConfig are not accepted anymore, they need to be declared in github's topics
- issue #20 - now having better error message in case configuration of URL or organization are incorrect
- issue #22 - we couldn't run the application from IDE anymore
- ability to make a Maven release with Travis, when pushing a tag
- most of default parameters in application.yml - if you were using it, put them in your own config file
- re-enabling the build of a -exec jar that was removed in v1.0.2
- upgraded to Kotlin 1.2.50
- issue #14 - now it won't fail if we don't provide indicatorsToFetchByFile in the config
- issue #9 - changed the way application is package, in a more standard way
- Documentation update
- some Codacy issues have been fixed
- improved documentation
- issue #1 - now crawler is compatible for both and GitHub Enterprise
- outputs are now part of autoconfig, when extending the crawler in a separate app
first version !