Changelog - see for conventions
- rolled back the move to Mojo annotations introduced in 4.0.1, that was causing issue raised in #69
- PR #68 - upgrading to arch-unit-build-plugin-core 4.0.1 - thanks [@purnhar] !
- various build related stuff
- PR #59 - upgrading to arch-unit-build-plugin-core 4.0.0 and JDK 21 - thanks @sebienfait
- PR #60 - minor change in logging - thanks @guerrillalg for the suggestion !
- PR #51 - Allow ArchConfiguration properties to be set from Maven - thanks @roxspring !
- PR #52 - upgrading to arch-unit-build-plugin-core 3.0.0 and JDK 11
- library upgrades : lombok 1.8.24, jacoco 0.8.8, archunit-plugin-core 2.9.6
- upgraded to arch-unit-build-plugin-core 2.9.2.
- publishing on new Nexus OSS server
- upgraded to arch-unit-build-plugin-core 2.9.1
- PR #48 - add nofailonerror property - thanks @bvedrenne !
- Upgrading to arch-unit-build-plugin-core 2.8.0
- Upgrading to arch-unit-build-plugin-core 2.7.3
- plugin now has a prefix, to be able to run it directly with "mvn arch-unit:arch-test"
- Upgrading to arch-unit-build-plugin-core 2.7.2
- Upgrading to arch-unit-build-plugin-core 2.7.1
- PR #42 - Upgrading to arch-unit-build-plugin-core 2.7.0 for Java 15 compatibility
- PR #39 - Now getting the main and test values in MavenScopePathProvider from Maven project variable, instead of hardcoding it
- PR #38 - Breaking change : "projectPath" is not a valid property anymore. since we are in Maven context, we're using MavenScopePathProvider which provides the required values
- upgrading to arch-unit-core 2.6.1
- using latest Mockito so that it runs fine with JDK 11
- upgrading Archunit plugin core to 2.5.1 : now can configure excludedPaths
- PR #30 - Now using as the foundation for the maven plugin
- PR #27 - setting Maven plugins versions to avoid warning at build time - thanks @khmarbaise for the contribution !
- PR #25 - not scanning "pom" projects - thanks @khmarbaise for the contribution !
- PR #20 - using Maven recommended way for logging - thanks @croesh for the contribution !
- upgrading Lombok and Mockito to latest versions to be compatible with latest JDK when building
- PR #14 - new rule available out of the box : no public fields - thanks @FanJups for the contribution !
- PR #17 - skip parameter to skip configurable rules or whole plugin execution - thanks @croesh for the contribution !
- upgraded to ArchUnit 0.11.0
- PR #16 - will now allow to use scope with empty package + test structure refactoring - thanks @croesh for the contribution !
- PR #15 - will now fail if test to execute is not found
- PR #15 - all checks of a configurableRule will execute by default
- PR #15 - pretty big refactoring, to improve overall design --> Thanks a lot to @codecholeric for the contribution !
- PR #6 - BREAKING CHANGE : config has changed to enable the use of preconfigured rule (as before) and configurable rules
- refactoring, cleaning up ArchUtils
- PR #5 - new preconfigured rule available : NoJavaUtilDateRuleTest - thanks @FanJups for the contribution !
- new rules : NoInjectedFieldTest and NoAutowiredFieldTest - thanks @nils-christian for the idea !
- upgraded to ArchUnit 0.10.2
- NoJunitAssertRuleTest now also catches JUnit 5 asserts
- Coverall code coverage is now being reported
- upgraded to latest ArchUnit version - 0.9.3
- cleaned up pom.xml
- documentation
first version !