I suggest using RVM or RBENV to manage your ruby VMs. I will assume you are using RVM, so if more information is needed please take the time to watch Ryan Bates' screencast on getting started with Ruby on Rails.
- Install Ruby 1.9.3 --
rvm install 1.9.3
- Install imagemagick, preferably with homebrew --
brew install imagemagick
Your database config needs to be created - config/database.yml
. There is a
sample database.yml
file for pg. Copy one of those two files to
config/database.yml and configure for your environment & database.
NOTE: Because of the use of Postgres's full-text search capabilities in the source, Thredded no longer supports mysql out of the box.
defaults: &defaults
adapter: postgresql
encoding: UTF8
host: localhost
port: 5432
<<: *defaults
database: thredded_dev
username: username
password: password
<<: *defaults
database: thredded_test
username: username
password: password
<<: *defaults
database: thredded_production
username: username
password: password
Install the gem dependencies with
bundle install
Create the database, migrate the tables and seed with your own data:
bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate db:test:prepare
start the server with
rails s
Open your local server up in your browser and follow the setup "wizard". That will help you set up your site and first messageboard
- use the cedar stack -
heroku create -s cedar
- once your slug is compiled just visit the URL that heroku provides you and start the setup from right there.