缓解措施: workarounds mitigations
绕过: bypass circument(规避)
触发 trigger:
导致: lead to result in
leverage 利用(杠杆)
for responsibly reporting this issue and working with us as we addressed it.
not vulnerable to any known exploit
existing tools 现有的工具
java serialized objects 序列化的java对象
It works/goes/runs like a charm 非常有效,非常成功,非常棒。
release version xxx to address this vulnerability.
(With) that being said 话虽如此,然而... (虽然这话是对的,但是也有下面这种情况...)
I'll come to that later. 一会儿我会提到。
later versions of Java/earlier versions of Java 高版本java/低版本java
status quo 现状
it seems like...
what we're going to cover today is ...
lessons learned 学到的东西
w.r.t. with regard to 关于...
in a nut shell 简而言之
user's own codebase: 用户写的代码
what he is referring to here is ... : 他指的是
let's see how it goes:看看情况/效果咋样
From my perspective:从我的角度来看
non-default built-in and 3rd party library
- Room-For-Escape-Scribbling-Outside-The-Lines-Of-Template-Security.pdf
- https://github.com/yzy1996/English-Writing
- https://linguaholic.com/linguablog/with-that-being-said/