The STL files are generated with the chrumm
package for Python 3.7+.
It has no dependencies and does not need to be compiled or installed.
Run it as a command-line tool from this directory:
python3 -m chrumm --help
To generate the default STL files:
python3 -m chrumm chrumm.json
The configuration parameters are provided via JSON files. If a parameter appears multiple times, then its latest value is used. Distances are given in millimeters, angles in degrees.
Unlike the body, the PCB is manually edited and not programmatic. Changes to the body parameters may not be compatible with the PCB. A flattened KiCad footprint (.kicad_mod) is generated to help with the placement of the switches and screws on the PCB.
The generator does not validate all of the parameters. Most importantly, chamfers and switch notches are not taken into account when placing the walls. Make sure that the switch margin parameter provides enough room.
The generator should produce reasonable results for split, tent, and tilt angles up to about 20 degrees. Results may vary for more extreme angles.
The layout.fingerStaggers
matrix represents the
offset of each key relative to its ortholinear position.
The matrix is a list of rows. Each row contains four sublists, to represent the sections of the keyboard (left pinky, left alnum, right alnum, right pinky). Each section contains key offset coordinates. A coordinate can be an empty list (key omitted), a single number (y offset), or a list of two numbers (x and y offset).
Each section must have at least two key coordinates. All rows must have the same column structure.
Chamfers can be turned off by setting them to 0
The value of the following parameters can be set
to false
in order to omit them from the output: