The CSNF demo-service runs on Docker
To see what's changed in the current version, see
The CSNF demo comes packaged with a Dockerfile. Please see the next section for instructions on how to set up Docker on your machine. The architecture for the CSNF demo service that gets deployed with Docker is shown below.
This tutorial assumes you have a current version of Docker installed on your machine. If you do not have Docker installed, head on over to the Docker documentation getting started. For Docker Desktop installation instructions, see Install Docker Desktop on Mac and Install Docker Desktop on Windows.
To make use of the repo, you'll need to clone it locally - if you don't know how to do that, refer to the Github Cloning a repository documentation.
- Clone the repo and change to the demo-service directory
git clone && cd CSNF/demo-service
Note: The demo currently requires that you have an instance of Splunk available
Update the values below to match your Splunk instance. The Docker application will look for environment variables to be in a local file named .env
In order to configure the demo-service to dispatch events to Splunk you will need to provide information about your Splunk instance. Create a file with the name .env and place that in the demo-service folder. Add the SPLUNK_URL and SPLUNK_TOKEN values to this file. The bash script below can also be used just make sure to replace the environment variable values with your own.
touch .env && echo "SPLUNK_URL=http://splunk:8088" >> .env && echo "SPLUNK_TOKEN=fac44edf-79a4-409b-938d-1982259bf523" >> .env
cat .env
- Run docker-compose from the CSNF/demo-service folder.
docker-compose up -d
Creating network "demo-service_default" with the default driver
Creating demo-service_csnf-app_1 ... done
- Verify that the application is running using the docker ps command.
docker ps
79ad66dbb733 demo-service_csnf-app "docker-entrypoint.s…" 4 hours ago Up 4 hours>3000/tcp, :::3000->3000/tcp demo-service_csnf-app_1
- Confirm that the demo-service is listening on port 3000 as well as monitoring requests sent to the demo-service by following the logs in a terminal window.
docker logs -f demo-service_csnf-app_1
The SPLUNK_URL is http://splunk:8088
[2021-11-30T23:53:56.862] [INFO] [csnf dictionary-manager] - dictionary aquasec:0.0.1 registered
[2021-11-30T23:53:56.863] [INFO] [csnf decorator-manager] - decorator dockerhub registered
[2021-11-30T23:53:56.865] [INFO] server - listening on http://localhost:3000
Now that the demo-service is listening for requests on port 3000 its almost time to send a mock event to the demo-service.
Service | URL | Purpose |
demo-service | http://localhost:3000 | The CSNF event receiver |
The demo-service is configured to receive an HTTP event, normalize the event using the canonical model and forward the normalized event to an endpoint. In this example we are using Splunk as the event collector. An HTTP client is required to make a HTTP request to the demo-service.
- The samples folder contains a payload fthat can be used to test the demo-service. Open a new terminal window and run the following curl command from the ./demo-service directory. If you would rather use Postman, there is also a sample Postman collection that you can import into Postman from the samples folder.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @./samples/aquasec.json http://localhost:3000/receivers/aquasec
- You should still be following the logs from the demo-service in your other terminal. If everything worked correctly you should see log messages that confirm that the event has been extracted, interpreted and dispatched to Splunk.
[2021-11-30T23:53:56.865] [INFO] server - listening on http://localhost:3000
[2021-12-01T00:18:22.284] [DEBUG] aquasec-receiver - extracting and interpreting event
[2021-12-01T00:18:22.677] [DEBUG] aquasec-receiver - dispatching
[2021-12-01T00:18:22.705] [DEBUG] splunk-dispatcher - event successfully dispatched
- When you are done you can stop the demo-service with the docker-compose down command.
docker-compose down -v
Stopping demo-service_csnf-app_1 ... done
Removing demo-service_csnf-app_1 ... done
Removing network demo-service_default
If you want to contribute to the repo, see the file.