File tree
1,437 files changed
lines changed- .github
- workflows
- scripts
- bin
- test
- changelogs
- community-build
- community-projects
- src/scala/dotty/communitybuild
- compiler
- src
- dotty/tools
- backend
- jvm
- sjs
- dotc
- ast
- cc
- classpath
- config
- core
- classfile
- tasty
- decompiler
- fromtasty
- inlines
- interactive
- parsing
- plugins
- printing
- quoted
- reporting
- sbt
- interfaces
- semanticdb
- staging
- transform
- init
- sjs
- typer
- util
- io
- repl
- tasty/besteffort
- scala/quoted/runtime/impl
- printers
- test
- dotc
- dotty
- tools
- backend/jvm
- dotc
- classpath
- config
- core/tasty
- printing
- reporting
- sbt
- transform
- io
- repl
- scripting
- vulpix
- test-coursier/dotty/tools/coursier
- test-resources
- repl
- scripting
- dist
- bin
- bin-native-overrides
- docs
- _assets/js
- _docs
- internals
- reference
- changed-features
- experimental
- other-new-features
- _spec
- TODOreference
- changed-features
- other-new-features
- public/scripts
- language-server
- src/dotty/tools/languageserver
- test/dotty/tools/languageserver
- library
- src/scala
- annotation
- internal
- compiletime
- quoted
- runtime
- stdLibPatches
- src-bootstrapped/scala/annotation
- src-non-bootstrapped/scala/annotation
- presentation-compiler
- src/main/dotty/tools/pc
- completions
- printer
- utils
- test/dotty/tools/pc
- base
- tests
- completion
- definition
- highlight
- hover
- inlayHints
- signaturehelp
- utils
- project
- resources/referenceReplacements
- scripts
- native-integration
- sbt-bridge
- src/dotty/tools/xsbt
- test
- xsbt
- xsbti
- sbt-test
- java-compat/moduleInfo
- pipelining
- Xearly-tasty-output
- a/src/main/scala/a
- b/src/main/scala/b
- b-early-out
- c/src/main/scala/c
- project
- Xearly-tasty-output-inline
- a/src/main/scala/a
- b/src/main/scala/b
- project
- Xjava-tasty-annotation
- a/src/main/scala/a
- b/src/main/scala/b
- b-alt
- project
- Xjava-tasty-enum
- a/src/main/scala/a
- b/src/main/scala/b
- b-alt
- project
- Xjava-tasty-from-tasty
- a/src/main/scala/a
- a_from_tasty
- b/src/main/scala/b
- b-alt
- project
- Xjava-tasty-fromjavaobject
- a/src/main/scala/a
- a-check
- b/src/main/scala/b
- b-alt
- c/src/main/scala/c
- c-alt
- project
- Xjava-tasty-generic
- a/src/main/scala/a
- b/src/main/scala/b
- b-alt
- project
- Xjava-tasty-paths
- a
- b
- project
- Xjava-tasty-result-types
- a/src/main/scala/a
- b/src/main/scala/b
- b-alt
- project
- Yjava-tasty-generic/b/src/main/scala/b
- pipelining-cancel
- a/src
- main/scala/a
- test/scala/a
- b/src/main/scala/b
- project
- pipelining-changes
- changes
- project
- src/main/scala/a
- pipelining-scala-inline
- a/src/main/scala/a
- b/src/main/scala/b
- project
- pipelining-scala-java-basic
- a/src/main/scala/a
- b/src/main/scala/b
- c/src/main/scala/c
- project
- pipelining-scala-macro
- a/src/main/scala/a
- b/src/main/scala/b
- project
- pipelining-scala-macro-fail
- a/src/main/scala/a
- b/src/main/scala/b
- project
- pipelining-scala-macro-force
- a/src/main/scala/a
- b/src/main/scala/b
- macros/src/main/scala/macros
- project
- pipelining-scala-macro-splice
- a/src/main/scala/a
- a_alt
- m/src/main/scala
- b
- c
- m_alt
- project
- pipelining-scala-macro-splice-ok
- m/src/main/scala
- a
- b
- c
- project
- pipelining-scala-only
- a/src/main/scala/a
- b/src/main/scala/b
- project
- pipelining-test
- a/src
- main/scala/a
- test/scala/a
- project
- sbt-dotty
- analyzer-plugin/plugin
- compiler-plugin/plugin
- source-dependencies/compactify/src/main/scala
- scala2-library-bootstrapped/src/scala
- collection
- generic
- mutable
- scala2-library-cc/src/scala
- collection
- generic
- mutable
- scaladoc
- resources/dotty_res/styles/theme
- src
- dotty/tools/scaladoc
- renderers
- site
- snippets
- tasty
- util
- scala/tasty/inspector
- test/dotty/tools/scaladoc/signatures
- scaladoc-testcases/src/tests
- staging/src/scala/quoted/staging
- tasty/src/dotty/tools/tasty
- tasty-inspector/src/scala/tasty/inspector
- tests
- best-effort
- broken-macro-executed-in-dependency
- err
- main
- broken-macro-executed-in-dependent
- err
- main
- mirrors-in-dependency
- err
- main
- simple-type-error
- err
- main
- cmdTest-sbt-tests/sourcepath-with-inline/src/main/scala/a
- coverage/run/erased
- explicit-nulls
- flexible-types-common
- interop-array-src
- interop-enum-src
- interop-generics
- interop-java-call
- interop-java-chain
- interop-java-varargs-src
- interop-method-src
- neg
- interop-enum-src
- notnull
- pos
- interop-applied-types
- interop-constructor-src
- interop-enum-src
- interop-generics
- interop-nn-src
- interop-ortype-src
- interop-poly-src
- interop-static-src
- sam-parameter-javadefined
- run
- tasty-flexible-type
- unsafe-common/unsafe-java-varargs-src
- init-global
- pos
- warn
- neg
- experimental-message-experimental-flag
- i19351a
- i20071b
- i20079
- i20245
- i21303
- neg-custom-args/captures
- neg-deep-subtype
- neg-macros
- annot-accessIndirect
- annot-crash
- annot-empty-result
- annot-error-annot
- annot-ill-abort
- annot-mod-class-add-top-method
- annot-mod-class-add-top-val
- annot-mod-top-method-add-top-method
- annot-mod-top-method-add-top-val
- annot-on-type
- annot-result-owner
- annot-suspend-cycle
- i18677-a
- i18677-b
- i18825
- i19676
- i19842-a
- i19842-b
- newClassExtendsNoParents
- newClassExtendsOnlyTrait
- wrong-owner
- neg-scalajs
- new
- pending/pos
- plugins
- custom/analyzer
- neg/divideZero
- pos
- bson
- export-param-flags
- hylolib
- hylolib-cb
- hylolib-deferred-given
- i12591
- i15183
- i19806
- i20078
- i20136b
- i20187
- i20901
- i21303
- i21303a
- i3964a
- phantom-Eq2
- pos-custom-args/captures
- captureRef-separate-compilation
- pos-deep-subtype
- pos-macros
- annot-dependency-between-modules
- annot-in-object
- annot-suspend
- annot-then-inline
- erasedArgs
- i13021
- i13532
- i15413
- i15413b
- i16331
- i17009
- i17506
- i19526b
- i19537
- i19539
- i19604
- i20286
- i8325
- i8325b
- macro-annot-with-companion
- pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/reporting
- printing
- rewrites
- run
- colltest6
- i17930
- publicInBinary
- quotes-add-erased
- quotes-reflection
- run-custom-args
- run-deep-subtype
- run-macros
- Xmacro-settings-compileTimeEnv
- Xmacro-settings-simple
- annot-add-global-class
- annot-add-global-object
- annot-add-local-class
- annot-add-local-object
- annot-add-nested-class
- annot-add-nested-object
- annot-annot-order
- annot-bind
- annot-changeVal
- annot-concrete-class
- annot-export
- annot-gen2
- annot-generate
- annot-macro-main
- annot-memo
- annot-mod-class-add-def
- annot-mod-class-add-inner-class
- annot-mod-class-add-lazy-val
- annot-mod-class-add-local-class
- annot-mod-class-add-val
- annot-mod-class-add-var
- annot-mod-class-data
- annot-mod-class-equals
- annot-mod-class-mod-def
- annot-mod-class-mod-val
- annot-mod-class-override-def
- annot-mod-class-override-val
- annot-mod-class-unused-new-sym
- annot-result-order
- annot-simple-fib
- annot-unrollLast
- i11685
- i12021
- i12351
- i12352
- i16734b
- i17105
- i18806
- i19676
- macro-erased
- newClass
- newClassExtends
- newClassExtendsClassParams
- newClassSelf
- reflect-method-type-kind
- type-show
- run-staging
- run-tasty-inspector
- run-with-compiler
- semanticdb
- expect
- untried/neg
- warn
- i13433c
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
1,437 files changed
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1 | 1 |
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2 | 2 |
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3 |
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4 |
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5 | 4 |
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6 | 5 |
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7 |
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