Your first step is to establish a public repository from which i can pull your work into the master repository.
Setup a GitHub account (, if you haven't yet
Fork the BlockchainWalletApi repository (
Clone your fork locally and enter it (use your own GitHub username in the statement below)
% git clone [email protected]:<username>/BlockchainWalletApi.git % cd BlockchainWalletApi
Add a remote to the canonical BlockchainWalletApi repository, so you can keep your fork up-to-date:
% git remote add upstream % git fetch upstream
Periodically, you should update your fork to match the canonical BlockchainWalletApi repository. we have added a remote to the BlockchainWalletApi repository, which allows you to do the following:
% git checkout master
% git pull upstream master
- OPTIONALLY, to keep your remote up-to-date -
% git push origin
If you're tracking other branches -- for example, the "develop" branch, where new feature development occurs -- you'll want to do the same operations for that branch; simply substitute "develop" for "master".
When working on BlockchainWalletApi, we recommend you do each new feature or bugfix in a new branch. This simplifies the task of code review as well as of merging your changes into the canonical repository.
A typical work flow will then consist of the following:
- Create a new local branch based off your master branch.
- Switch to your new local branch. (This step can be combined with the previous step with the use of
git checkout -b
.) - Do some work, commit, repeat as necessary.
- Push the local branch to your remote repository.
- Send a pull request.
The mechanics of this process are actually quite trivial. Below, we will create a branch for fixing an issue in the tracker.
% git checkout -b 3452
Switched to a new branch '3452'
... do some work ...
% git commit
... write your log message ...
% git push origin HEAD:3452
Counting objects: 38, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compression objects: 100% (18/18), done.
Writing objects: 100% (20/20), 8.19KiB, done.
Total 20 (delta 12), reused 0 (delta 0)
To ssh://[email protected]/sandrokeil/BlockchainWalletApi.git
g5342..9k3532 HEAD -> master
You can do the pull request from github. Navigate to your repository, select the branch you just created, and then select the "Pull Request" button in the upper right. Select the user "sandrokeil" as the recipient.
Which branch should you issue a pull request against?
- For fixes against the stable release, issue the pull request against the "master" branch.
- For new features, or fixes that introduce new elements to the public API (such as new public methods or properties), issue the pull request against the "develop" branch.
As you might imagine, if you are a frequent contributor, you'll start to get a ton of branches both locally and on your remote.
Once you know that your changes have been accepted to the master repository, we suggest doing some cleanup of these branches.
Local branch cleanup
% git branch -d <branchname>
Remote branch removal
% git push origin :<branchname>
RSS feeds may be found at:<branch>.atom
where <branch> is a branch in the repository.
To subscribe to git email notifications, simply watch or fork the BlockchainWalletApi repository on GitHub.