diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index be02ba4..8f5d37c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -53,47 +53,40 @@ Because of the nature of VBA, many libraries do not work on all Operating System
 ## Contents
-- [awesome-vba](#awesome-vba)
-  - [Symbology](#symbology)
-      - [Platform Compatibility](#platform-compatibility)
-      - [Application compatibility](#application-compatibility)
-      - [Other important information](#other-important-information)
-  - [Contents](#contents)
-  - [Frameworks](#frameworks)
-  - [Libraries](#libraries)
-    - [Data Formats](#data-formats)
-      - [JSON](#json)
-      - [CSV](#csv)
-      - [XML](#xml)
-    - [Data Structures](#data-structures)
-      - [Array-List](#array-list)
-      - [Dictionary](#dictionary)
-    - [Math libraries](#math-libraries)
-    - [Database tools](#database-tools)
-    - [Userform tools](#userform-tools)
-    - [Low level tools](#low-level-tools)
-    - [Parsers / Interpreters](#parsers--interpreters)
-    - [Web tools](#web-tools)
-  - [Developer tools](#developer-tools)
-  - [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous)
-  - [Examples](#examples)
-    - [Algorithms, code optimisation, and performance testing](#algorithms-code-optimisation-and-performance-testing)
-    - [UI Ribbon](#ui-ribbon)
-    - [UI Userforms](#ui-userforms)
-    - [Low level examples](#low-level-examples)
-    - [AddIns](#addins)
-    - [Games / Fun projects](#games--fun-projects)
-  - [External tools](#external-tools)
-  - [Style Guides](#style-guides)
-  - [Information](#information)
-  - [Resources](#resources)
-    - [Win32 API Resources](#win32-api-resources)
-    - [VB6 / VBScript](#vb6--vbscript)
-    - [Websites](#websites)
-    - [Books](#books)
-    - [Youtube](#youtube)
-    - [Forums](#forums)
-  - [Contributing](#contributing)
+- [Symbology](#symbology)
+  - [Platform Compatibility](#platform-compatibility)
+  - [Application compatibility](#application-compatibility)
+  - [Other important information](#other-important-information)
+- [Contents](#contents)
+- [Frameworks](#frameworks)
+- [Libraries](#libraries)
+  - [Data Formats (JSON, CSV, XML, etc.)](#data-formats)
+  - [Data Structures (Array-List and Dictionary)](#data-structures)
+  - [Math libraries](#math-libraries)
+  - [Database tools](#database-tools)
+  - [Userform tools](#userform-tools)
+  - [Low level tools](#low-level-tools)
+  - [Parsers / Interpreters](#parsers--interpreters)
+  - [Web tools](#web-tools)
+- [Developer tools](#developer-tools)
+- [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+  - [Algorithms, code optimisation, and performance testing](#algorithms-code-optimisation-and-performance-testing)
+  - [UI Ribbon](#ui-ribbon)
+  - [UI Userforms](#ui-userforms)
+  - [Low level examples](#low-level-examples)
+  - [AddIns](#addins)
+  - [Games / Fun projects](#games--fun-projects)
+- [External tools](#external-tools)
+- [Style Guides](#style-guides)
+- [Information](#information)
+- [Resources](#resources)
+  - [Win32 API Resources](#win32-api-resources)
+  - [VB6 / VBScript](#vb6--vbscript)
+  - [Websites](#websites)
+  - [Books](#books)
+  - [Youtube](#youtube)
+  - [Forums](#forums)