1 |
| -this is a ~~sample~~ readme, **can** you see it _really_? |
2 |
| -helloooo |
3 |
| -heyyDidOpenTextDocumentParams |
| 1 | +# custom-lsp |
| 2 | +A custom LSP server written in 100% Go. It's purpose was learning about how LSP |
| 3 | +servers actually work at a deeper level, gaining understanding and implementing |
| 4 | +a minimal version of it. |
4 | 5 |
5 |
| -VS C*de is an excellent editor |
6 |
| -VS Code neovim Neovim |
| 6 | +Built with go version 1.22.1 on darwin/arm64, and tested on NEOVIM `v0.9.5` |
| 7 | +(Release) - [link](https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases/tag/v0.9.5). Should |
| 8 | +work with other editors as well given proper config of lsp at the client end. |
| 9 | +A sample config used for testing this LSP server is linked [here](https://github.com/ayush-oyorooms/.dotfiles/blob/5a7ab2ba1c965cc1bc91de9a646a8a82d68976d1/nvim/.config/nvim/after/plugin/custom_lsp_server_test.lua) |
| 10 | + |
| 11 | +A huuuge thanks to @tjdevries for sparking the interest in LSPs : ) |
| 12 | + |
| 13 | +## Functionalities Supported |
| 14 | +### 1. Hover |
| 15 | +This functionality in general displays the function / method / class synopsis as |
| 16 | +a popup in usual editors. It is invoked when cursor is kept on a word for a |
| 17 | +while. Here I have implemented a simple version of it which handles state and |
| 18 | +dynamically tells the char count. |
| 19 | + |
| 20 | +* LSP Spec: [Hover](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/lsp/3.17/specification/#textDocument_hover) |
| 21 | +* Invocation: `:lua vim.lsp.buf.hover()` |
| 22 | + |
| 23 | +### 2. Go To Definition |
| 24 | +This takes to the definition of the function / method(it is different from |
| 25 | +implementation). This is invoked usually in editors when you |
| 26 | +`Ctrl / Cmd + click` on a keyword. In this implementaion it takes you to a line |
| 27 | +above where the cursor is at the moment. |
| 28 | + |
| 29 | +* LSP Spec: [Go To Definition](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/lsp/3.17/specification/#textDocument_definition) |
| 30 | +* Invocation: `:lua vim.lsp.buf.definition()` |
| 31 | + |
| 32 | +### 3. Code Actions |
| 33 | +When there are errors in your project and editor shows options to fix them, |
| 34 | +these are the code actions. The server returns with the possible potential |
| 35 | +solutions to the problems in the current context. This implementation takes it |
| 36 | +quite seriously xD. |
| 37 | + |
| 38 | +* LSP Spec: [Code Actions](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/lsp/3.17/specification/#textDocument_codeAction) |
| 39 | +* Invocation: `:lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()` _or_ `:Telescope diagnostics` |
| 40 | + |
| 41 | +### 4. Completions |
| 42 | +These are simply the suggestions which appear as you type. This implementation |
| 43 | +provides a couple of suggestions based on typing. |
| 44 | + |
| 45 | +* LSP Spec: [Completion](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/lsp/3.17/specification/#textDocument_completion) |
| 46 | +* Invocation: `:lua vim.lsp.buf.completion()` |
| 47 | + |
| 48 | +### 4. Diagnostics (Notification) |
| 49 | +These are simply the errors, warnings, hints along with some more info related |
| 50 | +to them that editor keeps generating async-ly and shows them in the top right |
| 51 | +section (usually). This implementation takes a few funny takes on editors. |
| 52 | + |
| 53 | +* LSP Spec: [Diagnostics](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/lsp/3.17/specification/#textDocument_publishDiagnostics) |
| 54 | +* Invocation: `:lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_line_diagnostics()` (these btw get generated in insert mode only) |
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