Removed deprecation notices.
Added a notice in README to check scoped_views is true before running: rails generate devise_invitable:views users.
Redirect to after_sign_out_path_for(resource_name) when user is visiting /:resource_name/invitation/accept without invitation_token or with an invalid invitation_token.
After inviting a new resource, the inviter is redirected to after_update_path_for(resource_name) (he was redirected to after_sign_in_path_for(resource_name) before).
Fixed a bug that prevented resource attributes from being modified without entering a password, reported by Thibaud Guillaume-Gentil.
Fixed a bug that was disabling password validation (because of password_required? was not properly overridden), reported by Thibaud Guillaume-Gentil
Added generators: devise_invitable, devise_invitable:install and devise_invitable:views (thanks to robotblake for this one)
Bumped version of Rails to 3.0.0
Bumped version of Devise to 1.1.2
Bumped version of Rails to RC2
Loosely version dependencies
Renamed back the gem to devise_invitable
Removed rails3 branch since it’s was only for Rails 3.0.0beta4/Devise 1.1.rc2, now use master branch for the most up-to-date compatible version of this module.
Fix issue #1: Prevent invitation_token from being cleared when the password entered on invitation acceptation is invalid resulting in a “missing invitation_token” error.
Don’t freeze the VERSION string (Ruby 1.9.x “bug”: redmine.ruby-lang.org/issues/show/1552)
Forget this 0.6.3 mess
Renamed the gem rymai-devise_invitable
Bump version to 0.6.3, this version is compatible with Rails 3.0.0.rc and Devise 1.1.1
Bugfixes in InvitationsController#create:
Redirect to after_sign_in_path_for even if the record is invalid when validate_on_invite is false
Render :new after invitation if the record is invalid when validate_on_invite is true
Switched test framework to RSpec, Steak + Capybara and use FactoryGirl for the fixtures
Actually set a default translation for the invitation email’s subject, the key is now: devise.mailer.invitation_instructions.subject and can be scoped with the resource name like this: devise.mailer.invitation_instructions.user_subject
Don’t generate invitation_token for records that are not valid (and if validate_on_invite is true).
Documented methods according to the TomDoc specification: tomdoc.org/
Made the rails3 branch actually working with Rails 3.0.0.beta4
Updated the README + the doc
Cleaned the Rakefile and the Gemspec (no more Jeweler)
Modified the views a bit to be more smart/clear
Big refactor of the code and the tests
New API (and added deprecations):
User#invite instead of User#resend_invitation!
User#accept_invitation instead of User#accept_invitation!
User.invite instead of User.send_invitation
User.accept_invitation instead of User.accept_invitation!