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Releases: rvanbekkum/vsc-xliff-sync


10 Aug 11:19
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0.2.2 Pre-release


  • Introduced new setting xliffSync.needWorkTranslationRules that can be used which checks need to be run by command XLIFF: Check for Need Work Translations.
  • Added new rule SourceEqualsTarget which checks that the source and target are the same for files where source and target language are the same. (GitHub issue #18)


19 Jul 12:01
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0.2.1 Pre-release


[0.2.1] 19-07-2019

  • Fixed bug introduced by refactoring in 0.2.0: default shortcuts blocking clipboard. Also, made shortcuts the same for all operating systems.
  • Fixed bug introduced by refactoring in 0.1.6: command XLIFF: Synchronize to Single File synchronzing to the wrong file.


17 Jul 10:36
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0.2.0 Pre-release


[0.2.0] 15-07-2019

  • The XLIFF: Check for Need Work Translations command now checks for missing placeholders in both directions. (GitHub issue #14)
  • The "XLIFF Sync" notes added when problems are detected will now automatically be removed when problems are resolved if you run the XLIFF: Check for Need Work Translations command again. (GitHub issue #12)
  • New command XLIFF: Next Needs Work Translation: In an XLIFF file that is currently opened in the active editor, search for the next translation tagged as needs-adaptation. (GitHub issue #13)
  • The XLIFF: Next Missing Translation command will now check for \<target/\>|\<target\>\</target\>|\<target state="needs-translation"/\> if xliffSync.missingTranslation is set to %EMPTY%.
  • Missing translations and translations that need work are now highlighted in the editor. You can change how these are highlighted by changing setting xliffSync.decoration. (N.B., if you don't want to have any highlighting, you can set this setting to {})
  • Trigger option checks for trans-units with Property PromotedActionCategories as well. (GitHub issue #13)
  • Fixed bug introduced by refactoring in 0.1.6, missing await for creating new target .xlf files. (GitHub issue #16)
  • Changed default shortcuts, see for details.
  • Updated to describe new features and recent changes. Now also includes overview of the checks that are performed when running the XLIFF: Check for Need Work Translations command.

0.1.6: Merge pull request #11 from rvanbekkum/feature/10-technical-checks

15 Jul 11:05
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[0.1.6] 15-07-2019

  • Added command and setting to check for translations that have problems and need work. The command XLIFF: Check for Need Work Translations will report about files that contain translations that need work and adds notes to describe the detected problem. You can also use setting xliffSync.autoCheckNeedWorkTranslations to automatically run the checks after syncing. (Default: false)


29 Jun 16:05
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0.1.5 Pre-release


[0.1.5] 29-06-2019

  • (Addressing GitHub issue #9): Added new settings which change the behaviour on how the extension deals with trans-unit node attributes from the source and target files:
    • xliffSync.preserveTargetAttributes : Specifies whether or not the extension should use the attributes from the target files for the trans-unit nodes while syncing. (Default: false)
    • xliffSync.preserveTargetAttributesOrder : Specifies whether the attributes of trans-unit nodes should use the order found in the target files while syncing. (Default: false)
  • While syncing translations there is now a check for the "translate" attribute. If translate="no", then the trans-unit node in the target file(s) won't get a new empty target-node. (GitHub issue #8)
  • Also, while syncing, if a trans-unit node is found with translate="no" and it has a target-tag (a translation), then it will be deleted from the target file in question. (GitHub issue #8)
  • The XLIFF: Check for Missing Translations command now also checks for the translate attribute, and won't count trans-unit nodes with translate="no" as missing anymore. (GitHub issue #8)
  • Fixed bug where only the first occurrence of \r\n in elements were replaced with \n, leading to the issue that the string &#xD; would end up in multi-line translations while syncing when it shouldn't. (GitHub issue #7)


13 May 20:22
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0.1.4 Pre-release


[0.1.4] 13-05-2019

  • Changed default value of setting "xliffSync.missingTranslation" to %EMPTY%.
  • Changed setting xliffSync.findByMeaningAndDescription to xliffSync.findByXliffGeneratorAndDeveloperNote, and xliffSync.findByMeaning to xliffSync.findByXliffGeneratorNote. Also introduced settings xliffSync.developerNoteDesignation and xliffSync.xliffGeneratorNoteDesignation that can be used to customize the designations for note tags that will be used to merge trans-units, if merging/syncing based on ID fails (GitHub issue #6).
  • Fixed bug in merging translation files based on source tag (N.B., when xliffSync.findBySource is set to true) (GitHub issue #3).
  • After running "XLIFF: Check for Missing Translations", show a message if no missing translations were found (GitHub issue #5).
  • Added new setting xliffSync.autoCheckMissingTranslations that can be used to automatically check for missing translations after syncing (GitHub issue #4).


14 Apr 21:01
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0.1.3 Pre-release


[0.1.3] 14-04-2019

  • Added setting to synchronize translation units based on "source" (disabled by default). Please note that if there are multiple translation units in the target XLIFF file(s) with the same source, then the translation of the first translation unit is used for all new units is used.
  • Added new command "XLIFF: Check for Missing Translations" to the command palette. This command will show an informational message for each XLIFF file with missing translations. From these messages you can also open the XLIFF file(s) with your default XLIFF editor with the *Open Externally button.
  • The command "XLIFF: Next Missing Translation" will now also jump to the next empty translation if setting xliffSync.missingTranslation is set to %EMPTY%.
  • Updated the README file with screenshots and added setting/command.


01 Mar 22:26
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0.1.2 Pre-release


[0.1.2] 01-03-2019

  • Updated project information (in package.json and
  • Renamed commands
  • Add option in the explorer context-menu for XLIFF files, which will do the following:
    • In case the base-XLIFF file was selected, then the translation units of the base-XLIFF file will be synced to all other XLIFF files in the workspace.
    • In case any file other than the base-XLIFF file was selected, then only the selected file will be synced with the base-XLIFF file.


31 Jan 11:37
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0.1.1 Pre-release


[0.1.1] 31-01-2019

  • Allow empty string for setting "xliffSync.missingTranslation" when using placeholder %EMPTY%.
  • When a new target file is generated, then if the base file ends with g.xlf, then strip the .g in the target file name (e.g., <ExtensionName> -> <ExtensionName>.de-DE.xlf).

[0.1.0] 31-01-2019 (Initial version)

  • Forked version 0.2.1 of the Angular Localization Helper extension as a starting point.
  • Add support for syncing trans-unit nodes nested within groups (recursively).
  • Add new command: XLIFF: Synchronize All Files