lvar is not defined
lvar is not definedPull request merge
Add option for trying a range of TCP ports
Add option for trying a range of TCP ports
Pull request merge
allow puts
without argument
without argumentPull request merge
Improve RUBYOPT's handling in tests
Improve RUBYOPT's handling in tests
Pull request merge
Prompt assertion should use assert_raw_line_text instead of assert_li…
Prompt assertion should use assert_raw_line_text instead of assert_li…
Pull request merge
Modify misc/ and regenerate README
Modify misc/ and regenerate README
Pull request merge
Handle case when defined?(RubyVM.keep_script_lines) is false
Handle case when defined?(RubyVM.keep_script_lines) is false
Accept colon style Hash#inspect in test/console/print_test.rb
Accept colon style Hash#inspect in test/console/print_test.rb
Pull request merge
do not include $FILENAME
in globals
do not include
in globalsPull request merge
Use rb_iseqw_to_iseq to get iseq pointer
Use rb_iseqw_to_iseq to get iseq pointer
Pull request merge
Add Launchable in CI
Add Launchable in CI
Pull request merge
Fix flakey test "test_reponse_returns_correct_threads_info"
Fix flakey test "test_reponse_returns_correct_threads_info"
Pull request merge
Separate setup and execution steps in CI
Separate setup and execution steps in CI
Pull request merge
Add Session#deactivate_irb_integration
Add Session#deactivate_irb_integration
Pull request merge
Use ruby/actions workflow for ruby versions
Use ruby/actions workflow for ruby versions
Pull request merge
Remove and Restore irb configuration like irbrc while irb console tests
Remove and Restore irb configuration like irbrc while irb console tests
Pull request merge
Fix ENOENT error when running tests under Rails
Fix ENOENT error when running tests under Rails
Pull request merge
Fix syntax warnings
Fix syntax warnings
Pull request merge
catch up ruby 3.4.0 error related changes
catch up ruby 3.4.0 error related changes
Pull request merge