Due to licensing-issues (e.g. GPL), some optional dependencies are not part of the distribution packages.
To enable these additional modules, you need to put the missing libraries into the ext
-folder in the working directory.
When installed with the provided deb
or rpm
package, this folder is located at /var/lib/smarti/ext
by default and contains a simple readme.
For developers: When running Smarti by directly executing the jar file, you need to create the ext directory relative to the location where the java command is executed ${smarti-work-dir}/ext .
Make sure the user that is running the java process has the right permissions on the file system.
In case you run into trouble, read the section Troubleshooting.
To enable analysis based on Stanford NLP, put the following libraries into the ext
$ cd ${smarti-work-dir}/ext
$ wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/edu/stanford/nlp/stanford-corenlp/3.8.0/stanford-corenlp-3.8.0.jar
$ wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/edu/stanford/nlp/stanford-corenlp/3.8.0/stanford-corenlp-3.8.0-models-german.jar