Fixing az command in readme
Fixing az command in readme
Wiring user identities
Wiring user identities
Force push
Wiring user identities
Wiring user identities
Force push
Wiring user identities
Wiring user identities
Force push
Wiring user identities
Wiring user identities
Force push
Wiring user identities
Wiring user identities
Force push
Wiring user identities
Wiring user identities
Force push
Wiring user identities
Wiring user identities
Force push
Wiring user identities
Wiring user identities
Force push
Wiring user identities
Wiring user identities
Force push
Fixing capz-templates error
Fixing capz-templates error
Wiring user identities
Wiring user identities
Force push
Kustomizing the ci file
Kustomizing the ci file
Dummy commit to test jobs
Dummy commit to test jobs
Force push
Add ability to use community clusters
Add ability to use community clusters
Force push
undoing the harded coded export values
undoing the harded coded export values
Force push
Temp: ignore private regsitry pull for moment
Temp: ignore private regsitry pull for moment
see if can track down why capacity isn't re-issuing the command
see if can track down why capacity isn't re-issuing the command
Update capz/
Update capz/
Adding new sub and tenant id to migrate jobs
Adding new sub and tenant id to migrate jobs
Force push
Adding new sub and tenant id to migrate jobs
Adding new sub and tenant id to migrate jobs
Force push
Adding new sub and tenant id to migrate jobs
Adding new sub and tenant id to migrate jobs
Force push
Adding new sub and tenant id to migrate jobs
Adding new sub and tenant id to migrate jobs
Force push
Adding new sub and tenant id to migrate jobs
Adding new sub and tenant id to migrate jobs
Force push
Adding new sub and tenant id to migrate jobs
Adding new sub and tenant id to migrate jobs
Force push
Adding new sub and tenant id to migrate jobs
Adding new sub and tenant id to migrate jobs