All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed Angular build for Docker.
- Fixed Angular build (again).
- Fixed Angular build.
- The Api/Authentication/Update was not protected by authentication, meaning everyone could reset your password and gain access.
- Set the useragent for the Bezadd downloader to avoid getting blacklisted by Torbox.
- Upgraded to Angular 19.
- Upgraded to Torbox 1.5.
- Added unit tests, thanks @Cucumberrbob!
- Fixed symlinks for AllDebrid.
- Upgraded to the latest version.
- Fixed nested files in the Premiumize Provider.
- Fixed deleting of torrents in the watch folders.
- Added support for
- Fixed for the internal downloader.
- Added a column for torrent add date.
- Upgraded AllDebrid API.
- Added support for the synology download manager.
- Added a column for torrent add date.
- Fixed for the Symlink downloader and AllDebrid.
- Fixed setting the downloader when adding a torrent through the GUI.
- Added the /api/v2/transfer/info qBittorrent endpoint.
- AllDebrid Symlink path fixes.
- AllDebrid path fixes.
- Torbox fixes.
- Torbox fixes.
- Torbox fixes.
- Download individual files from Torbox instead of a zip file.
- Removed ability to select instant files from AllDebrid.
- Disabled selecting of files as Real-Debrid was the only provider that supported that.
- Catch disabled instant availability endpoint from Real Debrid.
- Torbox support.
- qBittorrent API authentication when no authentication is used.
- .NET version changed to .NET 9.
- Changed download limit to be split by active torrents.
- Add potential fix for BASE_PATH.
- Fixed creation of empty folders.
- Reverted: Prevent the creation of download folders when using symlink.
- Replace docker libssl1.1 with libssl3
- Fixed progress reporting to the qBittorrent API endpoint.
- Prevent the creation of download folders when using symlink.
- Update packages and docker alpine version.
- Improved handling of infringed torrents from real debrid.
- Force update of torrent data from real-debrid when no filename is found in the local DB.
- Fixed real-debrid deserialization issue when checking for instant available files.
- Add rate limiter to retry requests that are rate limited from Real-Debrid.
- Optimize calls to Real-Debrid API when torrents are finished and periodic updates.
- Update to .NET 8.0.7
- Fixed issue with qBittorrent progress sometimes throwing errors.
- Fixed Aria2c download path issue when a category is set.
- Fixed Aria2c download path issue when a category is set.
- Fixed issues with the qBittorrent endpoint.
- Fixed issue that could crash the torrent runner.
- Fixed broken recursive symlink searching.
- Added support for symlink recursive searching.
- Fixed another issue with the symlinker and file resolver.
- Fixed issue with download speed test when the symlink downloader is selected.
- Fixed symlink path matching bug.
- Added symlink logging.
- Added sorting to the GUI columns.
- Fixed reloading on the /settings and other pages.
- Base Href middleware fix that throws error when a response is not 200.
- Symlink fixes.
- Symlink fixes and improvements.
- Added option to configure the buffersize for the internal downloader.
- Add log level Verbose and add logging for the internal downloader, only works when both log levels are set to Verbose.
- Add fixes for the symlink downloader
- Add better indication when a torrent is stalled
- Fixed download client selection on the torrents
- When Sonarr/Radarr requests a torrent to be deleted, and its files too, then delete those files instead of ingoring it.
- Fixed reporting a torrent as error when some downloads have failed but still need to be retried.
- Fixed issue where downloads could get started over and over.
- Added setting to include or exclude files based on a given regex.
- Add logging.
- Fixed bug where downloads could get stuck in active state while deleted.
- Use the RD folder structure when downloading a file.
- Added the simple downloader back and moved the current internal downloader to a new setting.
- Don't automatically count the chunk count.
- Fixed symlink retry.
- Add retry mechanism for the downloaders.
- Tweaked the internal downloader to prevent memory issues.
- Add retry mechanism for the symlink downloader.
- Added some logging for the symlink downloader to troubleshoot.
- Added some logging when deleting torrents and the symlinker overrides the finish action.
- Add setting to set the download path on the aria2 instance.
- Add BASE_PATH environment variable for the base path setting.
- Expose the Post Torrent Download Action setting on the Provider settings.
- Added setting to store magnets and torrents to a directory after adding.
- Added bulk settings change on the index pages.
- Swapped the internal downloader back to the one that was before, this one is giving too many headaches.
- Prevent deleting torrents from the debrid provider when the symlink downloader is used.
- Fixed %F parameter on the external program.
- Run the external program before the deletion process is ran.
- Remove the 100 char limit on inputs.
- Fixed Docker Builds for arm64.
- Fixed memory issue in internal downloader.
- Changed unpack process to handle cancels.
- Reverted dockerfile again as the packagemanager still doesn't have .net 8.
- Changed docker to use the package manager again.
- Fix in internal downloader.
- Optimizations to the internal downloader.
- Revert broken upgrade.
- Improvements to the internal downloader.
- Fixed docker build as .NET8 isn't published yet.
- Upgraded to .NET8 to see if downloader perf improves.
- Symlink downloader fixes.
- Fixed docker build
- Added Symlink downloader to allow the use of rclone.
- Added extra logging.
- Added bulk retry on the index.
- Lower password requirements
- Fixed docker build process.
- Fixed docker build process and upgraded to Node18.
- Docker arm32/v7 images because the base image does not support it anymore:
- Update docker image to alpine 3.14.
- Fixed sub folders on Premiumize.
- Fixed serialization errors on Premiumize.
- Filter illegal path and filename characters when setting the download paths.
- Add the option "Post Download Action" to the Torrent settings popup.
- Add a 2nd "Add Torrent" button on the add torrent page.
- Add the Aria2c downloader to the Docker container and set it as the default downloader when running in docker.
- Fixed the BaseURL content-length setting.
- Fixed the BaseURL content-length setting.
- Added setting to set the BaseURL.
- Added some logging.
- Improved the internal downloader bandwidth limiter.
- Testing Github actions automatic build to Docker.
- Added link to repository from the version link.
- Fixed Premiumize selecting of files.
- Updated internal downloader to report download speeds better.
- Add some logging for Premiumize to better understand errors.
- Changed Premiumize to download each file individually instead of creating a zip first.
- Swapped the internal downloader for a new version.
- Fixed issue when switching providers and it not switching over properly.
- Fixed docker run issues.
- Fixed docker run issues.
- Fixed docker build issues.
- Add support for Premiumize
- Fixed docker build by pinning the .NET version to LTS.
- Add support for multi-level unpacking.
- Add settings to specify the Error and Processed paths for the watch folders.
- Option to disable authentication completely.
- Removed the Simple Downloader and replaced it with as the Internal Downloader.
- Fixed setting the Base Href for sub folder hosting.
- Changed the AllDebrid provider to use HTTPS instead of HTTP.
- Added the option to bulk delete torrents, thanks kanazaca!
- Added option to remove the torrent only from the client after downloads are completed.
- Added option to change the category of an existing torrent.
- Added option to not download files to the host.
- If a watched file gives an error when adding, move it to an error folder.
- Fixed issue with some settings not saving.
- Fixed MacOS pre-fill on the login screen.
- Remove settings for Finish Action and Category for the qBittorrent integration, these should always be set to None and the category comes from the integration.
- Fixed Windows Service issue
- For service users: the appsettings.json is slightly changed: HostUrl is now Port. Important if you used a non standard (6500) port.
- Rewrote the settings storage. Added more settings to set defaults for importing.
- Fixed filtering of torrents when a category is passed to the TorrentsInfo endpoint, fixing Radarr/Sonarr integrations.
- Added settings to control the timeout and polling interval to RealDebrid/AllDebrid.
- Fixed the AllDebrid client.
- Fixed the "Progress" for the AllDebrid client, thanks @23doors.
- When changing the download speed setting for the simple downloader it will apply the setting to active downloads.
- Add running of external applications when the torrent is finished.
- Fixed deserialization of the availability check for RealDebrid.
- Fixed the simple downloader download limiter.
- Updated packages, added logging to the RD and AD providers when serialization fails.
- Fixed issue with AllDebrid sometimes returning NULL links.
- Added setting to set the category when a torrent is imported from RealDebrid or other provider.
- Added setting to automatically delete torrents in the state of error after a certain amount of time.
- Added lifetime setting to automatically expire torrents after a certain amount of time.
- Updated AllDebrid provider to fix issue with ID's not being a number.
- Fixed bug where the QBittorrent API didn't report the error state correctly when an error ocurred in the debrid provider.
- Fixed automatic adding of AllDebrid torrents.
- Added update notification.
- Fixed update timer for providers.
- Fixed potential issue with the Real-Debrid mapper.
- Fixed serialization issue for AllDebrid.
- Update projects to .NET6 and Angular 13.
- Added setting to automatically import torrents from RealDebrid / AllDebrid.
- Added setting to automatically delete torrents from RealDebridClient when they have been removed from RealDebrid / AllDebrid.
- Add speed limit setting on the Simple downloader.
- Add AllDebrid support.
- Improved handling of errors on the torrent itself
- Added retry counts when adding torrents
- Added retry counts on the Sonarr/Radarr settings page
- Fixed issues with the simple downloader.
- Fixed issue with retrying downloads.
- Added torrent uploading status from Real Debrid.
- Restored removing of torrents when deleted from Real Debrid.
- Fixed issues retrying torrents after multiple failed downloads in large torrents.
- Fixed issue with the unpack queue.
- Fixed issue where not the correct torrent was used for a download.
- Added automatic torrent retrying when RealDebrid reports an error on the torrent.
- Changed how Aria2 is polled, this will result in less RPC calls for a large amount of torrents.
- Add more and better logging for the torrent runner in Debug.
- Add Aria2 checks to see if links get added properly.
- Update Aria2.NET and RD.NET, added automatic retrying in case of server failures.
- Add priorty for torrents. You can set the priority when adding a new torrent. When added from Sonarr/Radarr it will assume no priority.
- Added support for the Sonarr/Radarr/qBittorrent setPrio command. It will set the priority of a torrent to 1.
- Added support for the Sonarr/Radarr/qBittorrent pause and resume commands. This only works with the Aria2 downloader.
- Fixed issues when downloads get deleted when they are still being checked.
- Improved timings and retrying of adding of downloads to Aria2. Will now try 5 times before failing.
- Add delays between adding downloads to Aria2 to avoid Aria2 going down when adding a large amount of downloads.
- Fixed starting downloads when RealDebrid reports ghost links in torrents.
- Add Aria2 test connection button.
- Add full torrent retry mechanism, by default it will now retry the torrent 2 times when a download fails for more than 3 times.
- Improved Aria2 download handling.
- Experimental support for a Aria2 download client. Check the readme for usage.
- Fixed potential error when sonarr is querying and the torrent isn't added to RealDebrid yet.
- Fixed interface randomly stop updating.
- Upgrade dependencies.
- Fixed issue where deleting a torrent could error out.
- Changed the default timeout for Real-Debrid communication to 10 seconds instead of 100 seconds.
- Fixed potential issue with duplicates categories.
- Fixed issue with starting downloads.
- Fixed issue where downloads were hanging the full interface.
- Fixed support for categories. They are now saved persistently in the database.
- Added new "settings" page.
- Added new "add new" page. Added more options when manually adding a torrent, including the ability to manually select files.
- Added dedicated torrent pages with more information when selecting a torrent on the main page.
- Add ability to retry individual downloads.
- Fixed enter key on the login and setup screen.
- Fixed an issue with selecting files and getting the links. This process could take a long time and would hang the client while waiting for a response.
- Removed the retry and delete button from the main page and moved them to the torrent page.
- Removed the ability to retry all downloads.
- Fixed issue for real this time with a broken response from RDT when the available files returns in a format different than normal.
- Fixed some issues with download error handling.
- Fixed issue where files aren't always properly selected.
- Fixed build for Raspberry PI.
- Reduced the frequency of database reads and writes by adding caches for settings and torrents.
- Updated dependency of RD.NET to improve serialization error reporting.
- Changed how the base href is determined to support path proxies.
- Fixed issue with handling of renamed torrents.
- Changed how the docker is built.
- Fixed issue (hopefully) where sometimes the name of the torrent would change.
- Fixed issue where sometimes the content path is not recognized by Sonarr.
- Fixed reporting errors when a RD torrent errors.
- Add Update.ps1 to automatically download the latest version from Github for Windows users.
- Add automatic retry functionality for downloads. It will retry downloading a file after an error 3 times.
- Fixed an issue downloads sometimes getting added multiple times.
- Fixed a bug where it sometimes could add a download multiple times when the RD torrent was in a certain state.
- Add a retry button in the interface. Giving the possibility to re-download the torrent in RealDebrid or re-download the files locally.
- Fixed some issues with deleting files and the files being in use.
- Fixed an issue with some torrents not downloading when finished.
- Removed the "Download" and "Unpack" buttons from the interface.
- Fixed a bug in the torrent runner where it could download the same file multiple times.
- Add an option to see which files are available on Real-Debrid on the add torrent modal.
- Update the unrestrict process to only unrestrict links when a download is started instead of when the torrent is added.
- Removed the "Auto download" and "Auto unpack" options, they are now always enabled by default.
- Updated all packages
- Updated the multi downloader, this should fix the insufficient disk space issue.
1.5.5 - 2021-02-12
- You can now enable debug logging through the setting modal. Debug will give you a lot of information, but also the best picture of what's going on. Default log level is warning to avoid creating big log files.
- Fixed the bug where the unpack process would halt if there were downloads pending.
1.5.4 - 2021-02-11
- Fixed an issue where auto extracting wasn't working.
1.5.3 - 2021-02-10
- Fixed issue with selecting files when all files were filtered out.
1.5.2 - 2021-02-09
- Add ProxyServer to the Multipart download settings.
- Fixed issue with RealDebrid API not returning a proper list of available files.
1.5.1 - 2021-02-06
- Fixed bug with the OnlyDownloadAvailable files setting not showing correctly enabled in the setting modal.
1.5.0 - 2021-02-05
- Added a new setting to only download files that have been downloaded on Real Debrid, this will make downloading relevant files faster.
- Re-added the service-install.bat and service-remove.bat files to whoever wants to run as a service.
1.4.0 - 2021-01-13
- This release will now support the Docker image. You can still run it as a service as before.
- Lots of changes, but the most notable is that the database is stored an a persistent storage on your host, configured through the docker file. This does mean that any torrents you are currently running will be removed from RDT.
- Sonarr and Radarr support have been greatly improved, especially the version 3 releases.
- The download/unpack queue process has been rewritten to be more robust.
1.3.0 - 2020-12-01
- Sonarr and Radarr compatibility broke due to the missing files endpint, thank you @alexmckenley for adding the endpoint!
1.2.0 - 2020-10-05
- Fixed small issues when adding torrents and not loading meta data.
1.1.0 - 2020-05-16
- Small bug fixes
- test
- nothing
1.0.0 - 2020-04-11
- First release
- Add unraring progress and default auto download / auto remove options.