We invite anyone interested in our project to contribute to the development of the project, request new features, discuss ideas, or otherwise engage with ReFigure by creating a new issue or emailing us at [email protected]. Thank you!
These are two big features we'd like to tackle next. Can you help? We welcome your input and help.
We would like to integrate an image visualization/manipulation API like IIIF to allow users to capture panels within figures rather than the entire figure as described [here (level 2 compliance)][https://elifesciences.org/labs/d6044799/dynamically-serving-scientific-images-using-iiif]. Please see issue #4.
We would like to create domain handlers for more publisher websites or repositories, such as [PubMed][https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed]. The current PMC domain handler would be a great place to start for a handler for PubMed. Please see issue #5.
Please also refer to the [issues][https://github.com/re-figure/refigure/issues] for further feature requests.
- Download extension from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/refigure/plbplbglohkmicpcelhkendkdfaipome
- To upload and connect your own data to published findings: -Upload your data in the form of a figure to Figshare.com -Open your figure in Figshare in Chrome Web Browser
- To connect published findings -Open papers containing findings in Chrome tabs -Use extension as described in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4GnatquWRw
- Explain the key differences/similarities between the results
- Create/manage/help with our monthly newsletter.
- Publish your open science blogs on our website. Please email contactrefigure@gmail if you are interested or tweet to @re_Figure
- Use ReFigure to compile data
- What did you think of ReFigure? Let us know or write about it.