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A Python-based face detection system using OpenCV and the YOLO algorithm, integrated with Arduino for signal transmission.

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Face Detection & Recognition using Yolo, ResNet-18 & Arduino

A Python-based face detection system using OpenCV and YOLOv3 for face detection, integrated with Arduino for real-time signal transmission, and a Python-based face recognition system leveraging a pre-trained ResNet-18, also integrated with Arduino for signal output.

Arduino Setup

Arduino Circuit Setup


Arduino Code in C Language

bool status = false;

void setup() {
    pinMode(13, OUTPUT); 
    pinMode(12, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
        char received =;
        if (received == '1') {
            status = true;
        } else if (received == '0') {
            status = false;
    digitalWrite(12, status ? HIGH : LOW);
    digitalWrite(13, status ? LOW : HIGH);

Arduino Circuit in Action when data is sent using the open stream


YOLO Face Detection

This project uses YOLOv3-Face for real-time face detection, which was trained on the WIDER face dataset.

1. Download Model Weights

Click here to download the model weights

2. Install Dependencies

pip install opencv-python numpy

3. Load YOLO & Webcam

import cv2
import numpy as np

net = cv2.dnn.readNet("yolov3-wider_16000.weights", "yolov3-face.cfg")
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

4. Optimized Face Detection

while cap.isOpened():
    ret, frame =
    if not ret:

    blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(frame, 1/255.0, (416, 416), swapRB=True, crop=False)
    outputs = net.forward(net.getUnconnectedOutLayersNames())

    boxes, confidences = [], []
    for output in outputs:
        for detection in output:
            confidence = max(detection[5:])
            if confidence > 0.5:
                x, y, w, h = (detection[:4] * [frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0]]).astype(int)
                boxes.append([x, y, w, h])

    for i in cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes(boxes, confidences, 0.5, 0.4).flatten():
        x, y, w, h = boxes[i]
        cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2)

    cv2.imshow("YOLO Face Detection", frame)
    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):


Face Recognition

This project implements a real-time face recognition system using OpenCV, PyTorch, and a ResNet-18 model as a feature extractor. It consists of two scripts:

  1. – Captures a person's face, extracts embeddings using ResNet-18, and saves them.
  2. – Detects faces in a video stream, compares embeddings with saved ones, and identifies the person.

How It Works (Concise Version):

  1. Face Detection – Uses OpenCV’s Haarcascade to detect faces from the webcam feed.
  2. Feature Extraction – A pretrained ResNet-18 (with the last layer removed) converts faces into embeddings.
  3. Face Registration ( – Captures a face, extracts its embedding, and saves it as a .npy file.
  4. Face Recognition ( – Compares the detected face’s embedding with saved ones using cosine similarity.
    • If similarity is below 0.1, the person is recognized; otherwise, labeled "Unknown".
    • Sends a signal to an Arduino (1 for recognized, 0 for unknown).

This system enables real-time face detection using YOLOv3 & face recognition with pre-trained ResNet-18, triggering the Arduino's LED when a face is detected. The integration ensures minimal lag and efficient performance, making it suitable for various applications.


A Python-based face detection system using OpenCV and the YOLO algorithm, integrated with Arduino for signal transmission.






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