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A higher-level API for building NEAR smart contracts in Python.

PyPI version License: MIT Python Versions


NEAR Python SDK provides a structured abstraction layer over the low-level NEAR blockchain API. This library streamlines the development of smart contracts by offering type-safe interfaces, standardized patterns, and utility functions that handle common blockchain operations. Built on top of the near-py-tool project, it enables developers to write maintainable and secure contract code with reduced complexity.

from near_sdk_py import view, Storage

def get_greeting():
    return Storage.get_string("greeting") or "Hello, NEAR world!"

🔥 Key Features

  • 📦 Simple Storage API - Store/retrieve data with intuitive methods
  • 🔄 Smart Contract Lifecycle - Easily manage initialization and upgrades
  • 🔍 Decorators - Clearly mark functions as @view, @call, or @init
  • 🌐 Cross-Contract Calls - Seamlessly interact with other contracts
  • 📝 Structured Logging - NEP-standard event logging made simple
  • 🛡️ Built-in Security - Validation helpers for common security patterns
  • 🧩 Modular Design - Well-organized codebase for maximum maintainability

📋 Installation

# Install using uv
uv add near-sdk-py

# Traditional pip install
pip install near-sdk-py

🚦 Getting Started

1️⃣ Create Your Contract

from near_sdk_py import view, call, init, Context, Storage, Log

class GreetingContract:
    def new(self, owner_id=None):
        """Initialize the contract with optional owner"""
        owner = owner_id or Context.predecessor_account_id()
        Storage.set("owner", owner)"Contract initialized by {owner}")
        return True
    def set_greeting(self, message):
        """Store a greeting message (requires gas)"""
        Storage.set("greeting", message)
        return f"Greeting updated to: {message}"
    def get_greeting(self):
        """Retrieve the greeting message (free, no gas needed)"""
        return Storage.get_string("greeting") or "Hello, NEAR world!"

# Export the contract methods
contract = GreetingContract()

# These exports make functions available to the NEAR runtime
new =
set_greeting = contract.set_greeting
get_greeting = contract.get_greeting

2️⃣ Build and Deploy

Use nearc to compile your contract:

# Create a new project
uv init greeting-contract
cd greeting-contract

# Install the SDK
uv add near-sdk-py

# Create your contract file
# (Copy your contract code into

# Compile the contract
uvx nearc

This will generate a WebAssembly (.wasm) file that can be deployed to the NEAR blockchain.

3️⃣ Deploy to NEAR

After compiling your contract, use the NEAR CLI to deploy it:

# Deploy to testnet
near deploy your-contract.testnet contract.wasm --networkId testnet

4️⃣ Interact with your Contract

# Call view methods (free)
near view your-contract.testnet get_greeting

# Call methods that change state (costs gas)
near call your-contract.testnet set_greeting '{"message":"Hello from CLI"}' --accountId your-account.testnet

📚 SDK Components

Storage API

# Store values in different formats
Storage.set("key", "value")                  # String value
Storage.set_json("config", {"active": True}) # Any JSON-serializable value

# Retrieve stored values 
value = Storage.get_string("key")           # As string
config = Storage.get_json("config")         # As Python object

# Manage storage
exists = Storage.has("key")                 # Check if key exists
Storage.remove("key")                       # Delete a key

Context Information

# Account information
account_id = Context.current_account_id()    # This contract's account
caller = Context.predecessor_account_id()    # Who called this function
signer = Context.signer_account_id()         # Who signed the transaction

# Transaction details
deposit = Context.attached_deposit()         # NEAR tokens attached
gas = Context.prepaid_gas()                  # Gas allocated to this call

# Blockchain state 
height = Context.block_height()              # Current block height
timestamp = Context.block_timestamp()        # Current block timestamp


# Simple logging"Operation completed successfully")
Log.warning("Approaching storage limit")
Log.error("Transaction failed: insufficient deposit")

# NEP-standard event logging 
Log.event("nft_mint", {
    "token_id": "token-123",
    "owner_id": "alice.near",
    "memo": "Happy birthday!"

Cross-Contract Calls

Work with NEAR's asynchronous cross-contract calls using the Promises API:

from near_sdk_py import call, callback, CrossContract, ONE_TGAS

class MyContract:
    def update_profile(self, username: str):
        return CrossContract.call_with_callback(
            "profile.near",               # Target contract
            "set_username",               # Method to call
            {"username": username},       # Arguments
            gas=5 * ONE_TGAS,             # Gas for the call
            callback_method="on_update_complete"  # Our callback

    def on_update_complete(self, promise_result: dict):
        if promise_result["status"] == "Successful":
            return "Profile updated successfully!"
            return "Update failed!"

The @callback decorator helps process responses from other contracts, while CrossContract.call_with_callback() streamlines the common pattern of making a call and handling its result.

For advanced use cases, you can also build promise chains manually:

# Make initial call
promise ="token.near", "get_balance", {"account_id": "alice.near"})

# Chain a callback to process the result
callback = CrossContract.then(

# Return the final result
return CrossContract.return_value(callback)

See the Promises API documentation for more detailed examples.

🔐 Security Best Practices

# Require exactly 1 yoctoNEAR to prove key ownership
def transfer_ownership(self, new_owner):
    Contract.assert_one_yocto()  # Ensures tx is signed (non-delegated)
    # Implementation...

# Require minimum deposit for a function
def place_bid(self, token_id):
    Contract.assert_min_deposit(ONE_NEAR)  # At least 1 NEAR required
    # Implementation...

📊 Example Projects

The SDK includes starter templates for common contract types:

📈 Performance Considerations

  • Use Storage.get_json() for complex data instead of parsing manually
  • Group related data in a single storage entry to reduce calls
  • Implement pagination for methods that return large collections

🤝 Contributing

We welcome contributions! Please see for details on how to submit pull requests, report issues, and suggest improvements.

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Made with ❤️ by r-near