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ChoosableListView library

Decisen by swiping

Android Kotlin JitPack

Table of Contents


Feel free to use this tiny library to implement a RecyclerView-based list with choosable items. By choosable, I mean it can be swiped aside (Right or Left) to trigger a specific action. As the main feature, in the process of swiping, the user will be provided with dynamically inflated hints (an icon with a caption under it).

Preview GIF

System Requirements

Your device has to meet the following requirements:

  • Android OS with API Level $\geq$ 21 (version 5.0 or higher).


In order to use the library, one needs to do the following steps:

Step 1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
      maven { url '' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.qubacy:ChoosableListView:*LIB_VERSION_CODE*'


Once you got the lib, it'd be nice to customize it's elements' appearence. It can be done by defining the following attributes' values in your app's theme.

Attribute Meaning Value type
choosableListItemLeftSwipeBackgroundColor Background color of the list item content view when it's swiped left Color
choosableListItemRightSwipeBackgroundColor Background color of the list item content view when it's swiped right Color
choosableListItemLeftSwipeHintViewIcon An icon for the left background Hint AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat
choosableListItemLeftSwipeHintViewIconTint An icon's tint for the left background Hint Color
choosableListItemLeftSwipeHintViewText A caption for the left background Hint String
choosableListItemLeftSwipeHintViewTextColor A caption's color for the left background Hint Color
choosableListItemRightSwipeHintViewIcon An icon for the right background Hint AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat
choosableListItemRightSwipeHintViewIconTint An icon's tint for the right background Hint Color
choosableListItemRightSwipeHintViewText A caption for the right background Hint String
choosableListItemRightSwipeHintViewTextColor A caption's color for the right background Hint Color
choosableListItemHintIconAnimationDuration A duration of the Hint's icon animation Integer
choosableListItemHeight Height of the list item Dimension
choosableListItemHintThreshold A threshold that is used for setting a swiping offset when the Hint is shown Fraction
choosableListItemLeftHintGuidelinePosition Defines a position for both Hints' vertical guidelines. They are used as the second anchor for placing the Hints in the middle between them and the Item View's closest border Fraction
choosableListItemHintIconSize The Hint's icon size Dimension


Almost all crucial components of the lib have been covered with tests (Unit & Instrumental).


The following noticeable libraries & frameworks are in use in the app:

  • Mockito (for mocking classes' objects in tests);
  • Espresso (for Instrumental Testing);


The library was fully made by Semyon Dzukaev in 2024.