Feel free to use this tiny library to implement a RecyclerView-based list with choosable items. By choosable, I mean it can be swiped aside (Right or Left) to trigger a specific action. As the main feature, in the process of swiping, the user will be provided with dynamically inflated hints (an icon with a caption under it).
Your device has to meet the following requirements:
- Android OS with API Level
$\geq$ 21 (version 5.0 or higher).
In order to use the library, one needs to do the following steps:
Step 1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.qubacy:ChoosableListView:*LIB_VERSION_CODE*'
Once you got the lib, it'd be nice to customize it's elements' appearence. It can be done by defining the following attributes' values in your app's theme.
Attribute | Meaning | Value type |
choosableListItemLeftSwipeBackgroundColor |
Background color of the list item content view when it's swiped left | Color |
choosableListItemRightSwipeBackgroundColor |
Background color of the list item content view when it's swiped right | Color |
choosableListItemLeftSwipeHintViewIcon |
An icon for the left background Hint | AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat |
choosableListItemLeftSwipeHintViewIconTint |
An icon's tint for the left background Hint | Color |
choosableListItemLeftSwipeHintViewText |
A caption for the left background Hint | String |
choosableListItemLeftSwipeHintViewTextColor |
A caption's color for the left background Hint | Color |
choosableListItemRightSwipeHintViewIcon |
An icon for the right background Hint | AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat |
choosableListItemRightSwipeHintViewIconTint |
An icon's tint for the right background Hint | Color |
choosableListItemRightSwipeHintViewText |
A caption for the right background Hint | String |
choosableListItemRightSwipeHintViewTextColor |
A caption's color for the right background Hint | Color |
choosableListItemHintIconAnimationDuration |
A duration of the Hint's icon animation | Integer |
choosableListItemHeight |
Height of the list item | Dimension |
choosableListItemHintThreshold |
A threshold that is used for setting a swiping offset when the Hint is shown | Fraction |
choosableListItemLeftHintGuidelinePosition |
Defines a position for both Hints' vertical guidelines. They are used as the second anchor for placing the Hints in the middle between them and the Item View's closest border | Fraction |
choosableListItemHintIconSize |
The Hint's icon size | Dimension |
Almost all crucial components of the lib have been covered with tests (Unit & Instrumental).
The following noticeable libraries & frameworks are in use in the app:
The library was fully made by Semyon Dzukaev in 2024.