To help you get comfortable managing your Kurbernetes dev environment in minikube quickly, this document contains a wide variety of sample commands, including complex samples, for minikube and kubectl.
- Minikube Command Cheat Sheet
- Minikube Commands
- Dashboards
- Kubectl Commands
- Deleting Artifacts
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
- Persistent Volumes
Start Minikube Service
minikube start
Start Minikube Service with 4 cpus and 8192 of memory
minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 8192
Stop Mikikube Service
minikube stop
Clean the configurations and start clean (maybe also you need rm -rf ./minikube)
minikube delete
List of Kubernetes versions Minikube currently supports
minikube get-k8s-versions
Start with a specific version of k8s
minikube start --kubernetes-version v1.7.5
View ip of Cluster
minikube ip
Get the URL of service
minikube service --url <service name>
View the status of minikube, cluster and kubectl (Something ips change)
minikube status
Fix ips change, kubectl misconfigured
minikube update-context
Visit the service in a browser
minikube service -n development hpa-example
You can actually type the commends below in the terminal to auto-launch the Kubernetes and/or Grafana dashboards in a browser.
Open the Kubernetes Dashboard
minikube dashboard
Open the Grafana Dashboard
minikube addons open heapster
Get the Dashboard URL
minikube dashboard --url
These commands will return the appropriate artifacts for the default namespace.
Nodes, Podes, Deployments, or Services, for example:
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get pods
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get services
kubectl get deployments postgres
You can add --all-namespaces
to any of the above commands in this section to see content from all namespaces, for example:
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
kubectl get namespaces
Delete pods, services named 'hello-minikube'
kubectl delete pods,services hello-minikube
Delete service named hpa-example in development namespace
kubectl delete service hpa-example -n development
Delete deployment named hpa-example in development namespace
kubectl delete deployment hpa-example -n development
Delete all pods in namespace 'foo'
kubectl delete --all pods --namespace=foo
delete all namespaces
kubectl delete --all namespaces
Delete everything with an app label of 'postgres'
kubectl delete daemonset,replicaset,service,deployment,pods,rc,pvc,pv,configmap --selector=app=postgres
kubectl delete daemonsets,replicasets,services,deployments,pods,rc,pvc,pv,configmap --all
Autoscale (HPA)
kubectl autoscale deployment hpa-example -n development --cpu-percent=50 --min=1 --max=10
Delete all HPAs in the development namespace
kubectl delete hpa --all -n development
Delete HPA named hpa-example in development namespace
kubectl delete hpa -n development hpa-example
Persistent volumes are an important part of production life, but because minikube boots to tmpfs, it wipes most things across reboots, unless stored in one of a few designated directories.
List persistent volumes
kubectl get pv
List persistent volume claims
kubectl get pvc
Delete persistent volume named postgres
kubectl delete pv postgres