diff --git a/.coveragerc b/.coveragerc
index cac94c3..96752f1 100644
--- a/.coveragerc
+++ b/.coveragerc
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
+source = src/unasync
 precision = 1
 exclude_lines =
diff --git a/.coveragerc-py2 b/.coveragerc-py2
index 571cf8a..c69e158 100644
--- a/.coveragerc-py2
+++ b/.coveragerc-py2
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
+source = src/unasync
 precision = 1
 exclude_lines =
diff --git a/src/unasync/__init__.py b/src/unasync/__init__.py
index 52af030..24bd971 100644
--- a/src/unasync/__init__.py
+++ b/src/unasync/__init__.py
@@ -52,13 +52,18 @@ def isidentifier(s):
     StringIO = io.StringIO
+if hasattr(os, "fspath"):  # PY3
+    fspath = os.fspath
+else:  # PY2
+    fspath = str
 class Rule:
     """A single set of rules for 'unasync'ing file(s)"""
     def __init__(self, fromdir, todir, additional_replacements=None):
-        self.fromdir = fromdir.replace("/", os.sep)
-        self.todir = todir.replace("/", os.sep)
+        self.fromdir = fspath(fromdir).replace("/", os.sep)
+        self.todir = fspath(todir).replace("/", os.sep)
         # Add any additional user-defined token replacements to our list.
         self.token_replacements = _ASYNC_TO_SYNC.copy()
@@ -69,6 +74,8 @@ def _match(self, filepath):
         """Determines if a Rule matches a given filepath and if so
         returns a higher comparable value if the match is more specific.
+        filepath = fspath(filepath)
         file_segments = [x for x in filepath.split(os.sep) if x]
         from_segments = [x for x in self.fromdir.split(os.sep) if x]
         len_from_segments = len(from_segments)
@@ -83,6 +90,7 @@ def _match(self, filepath):
         return False
     def _unasync_file(self, filepath):
+        filepath = fspath(filepath)
         with open(filepath, "rb") as f:
             write_kwargs = {}
             if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:  # PY3  # pragma: no branch
@@ -100,7 +108,57 @@ def _unasync_file(self, filepath):
     def _unasync_tokens(self, tokens):
         # TODO __await__, ...?
         used_space = None
+        context = None  # Can be `None`, `"func_decl"`, `"func_name"`, `"arg_list"`, `"arg_list_end"`, `"return_type"`
+        brace_depth = 0
+        typing_ctx = False
         for space, toknum, tokval in tokens:
+            # Update context state tracker
+            if context is None and toknum == std_tokenize.NAME and tokval == "def":
+                context = "func_decl"
+            elif context == "func_decl" and toknum == std_tokenize.NAME:
+                context = "func_name"
+            elif context == "func_name" and toknum == std_tokenize.OP and tokval == "(":
+                context = "arg_list"
+            elif context == "arg_list":
+                if toknum == std_tokenize.OP and tokval in ("(", "["):
+                    brace_depth += 1
+                elif (
+                    toknum == std_tokenize.OP
+                    and tokval in (")", "]")
+                    and brace_depth >= 1
+                ):
+                    brace_depth -= 1
+                elif toknum == std_tokenize.OP and tokval == ")":
+                    context = "arg_list_end"
+                elif toknum == std_tokenize.OP and tokval == ":" and brace_depth < 1:
+                    typing_ctx = True
+                elif toknum == std_tokenize.OP and tokval == "," and brace_depth < 1:
+                    typing_ctx = False
+            elif (
+                context == "arg_list_end"
+                and toknum == std_tokenize.OP
+                and tokval == "->"
+            ):
+                context = "return_type"
+                typing_ctx = True
+            elif context == "return_type":
+                if toknum == std_tokenize.OP and tokval in ("(", "["):
+                    brace_depth += 1
+                elif (
+                    toknum == std_tokenize.OP
+                    and tokval in (")", "]")
+                    and brace_depth >= 1
+                ):
+                    brace_depth -= 1
+                elif toknum == std_tokenize.OP and tokval == ":":
+                    context = None
+                    typing_ctx = False
+            else:  # Something unexpected happend - reset state
+                context = None
+                brace_depth = 0
+                typing_ctx = False
             if tokval in ["async", "await"]:
                 # When removing async or await, we want to use the whitespace that
                 # was before async/await before the next token so that
@@ -111,8 +169,34 @@ def _unasync_tokens(self, tokens):
                 if toknum == std_tokenize.NAME:
                     tokval = self._unasync_name(tokval)
                 elif toknum == std_tokenize.STRING:
-                    left_quote, name, right_quote = tokval[0], tokval[1:-1], tokval[-1]
-                    tokval = left_quote + self._unasync_name(name) + right_quote
+                    # Strings in typing context are forward-references and should be unasyncified
+                    quote = ""
+                    prefix = ""
+                    while ord(tokval[0]) in range(ord("a"), ord("z") + 1):
+                        prefix += tokval[0]
+                        tokval = tokval[1:]
+                    if tokval.startswith('"""') and tokval.endswith('"""'):
+                        quote = '"""'  # Broken syntax highlighters workaround: """
+                    elif tokval.startswith("'''") and tokval.endswith("'''"):
+                        quote = "'''"  # Broken syntax highlighters wokraround: '''
+                    elif tokval.startswith('"') and tokval.endswith('"'):
+                        quote = '"'
+                    elif tokval.startswith(  # pragma: no branch
+                        "'"
+                    ) and tokval.endswith("'"):
+                        quote = "'"
+                    assert (
+                        len(quote) > 0
+                    ), "Quoting style of string {0!r} unknown".format(tokval)
+                    stringval = tokval[len(quote) : -len(quote)]
+                    if typing_ctx:
+                        stringval = _untokenize(
+                            self._unasync_tokens(_tokenize(StringIO(stringval)))
+                        )
+                    else:
+                        stringval = self._unasync_name(stringval)
+                    tokval = prefix + quote + stringval + quote
                 elif toknum == std_tokenize.COMMENT and tokval.startswith(
@@ -193,7 +277,7 @@ def _tokenize(f):
             # Somehow Python 3.5 and below produce the ENDMARKER in a way that
             # causes superfluous continuation lines to be generated
             if tok.type != std_tokenize.ENDMARKER:
-                yield ("", std_tokenize.STRING, " \\\n")
+                yield (" ", std_tokenize.NEWLINE, "\\\n")
             last_end = (tok.start[0], 0)
         space = ""
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 2c7cf23..55b2caa 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+pathlib2 ; python_version < '3.5'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/data/async/typing_py3.py b/tests/data/async/typing_py3.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd4e213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/async/typing_py3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# fmt: off
+# A forward-reference typed function that returns an iterator for an (a)sync iterable
+async def aiter1(a: "typing.AsyncIterable[int]") -> 'typing.AsyncIterable[int]':
+	return a.__aiter__()
+# Same as the above but using tripple-quoted strings
+async def aiter2(a: """typing.AsyncIterable[int]""") -> r'''typing.AsyncIterable[int]''':
+	return a.__aiter__()
+# Same as the above but without forward-references
+async def aiter3(a: typing.AsyncIterable[int]) -> typing.AsyncIterable[int]:
+	return a.__aiter__()
+# fmt: on
diff --git a/tests/data/sync/typing_py3.py b/tests/data/sync/typing_py3.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfad1f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/sync/typing_py3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# fmt: off
+# A forward-reference typed function that returns an iterator for an (a)sync iterable
+def aiter1(a: "typing.Iterable[int]") -> 'typing.Iterable[int]':
+	return a.__iter__()
+# Same as the above but using tripple-quoted strings
+def aiter2(a: """typing.Iterable[int]""") -> r'''typing.Iterable[int]''':
+	return a.__iter__()
+# Same as the above but without forward-references
+def aiter3(a: typing.Iterable[int]) -> typing.Iterable[int]:
+	return a.__iter__()
+# fmt: on
diff --git a/tests/test_unasync.py b/tests/test_unasync.py
index f4b08eb..511b956 100644
--- a/tests/test_unasync.py
+++ b/tests/test_unasync.py
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
 import errno
 import io
 import os
+    import pathlib
+except ImportError:
+    import pathlib2 as pathlib
 import shutil
 import subprocess
 import sys
@@ -15,6 +20,9 @@
 SYNC_DIR = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, "sync")
 TEST_FILES = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(ASYNC_DIR) if f.endswith(".py")])
+if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
+    TEST_FILES.remove("typing_py3.py")
 def list_files(startpath):
     output = ""
@@ -40,6 +48,12 @@ def test_rule_on_short_path():
     assert rule._match("/ahip/") is False
+def test_rule_with_pathlib_path():
+    path_async_base = pathlib.Path("/ahip")
+    path_sync_base = pathlib.Path("/hip")
+    unasync.Rule(path_async_base / "tests", path_sync_base / "tests")
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("source_file", TEST_FILES)
 def test_unasync(tmpdir, source_file):