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Crystal structure

Module: pyscf.pbc.gto

Examples: pyscf/examples/pbc

Building a crystal

Periodic crystals are built using the pbc.gto.Cell class, which is very similar to the gto.Mole class,

from pyscf.pbc import gto
cell = gto.Cell()
cell.atom = '''H 0 0 0; H 1 1 1'''
cell.basis = 'gth-dzvp'
cell.pseudo = 'gth-lda'
cell.a = numpy.eye(3) * 2

The other equivalent ways to build a molecule introduced in Molecular structure, including the shortcut functions pbc.gto.M() or pyscf.M(), also apply here,

from pyscf.pbc import gto
cell = gto.Cell()
  atom = '''H 0 0 0; H 1 1 1''',
  basis = 'gth-dzvp',
  pseudo = 'gth-lda',
  a = numpy.eye(3) * 2)
from pyscf.pbc import gto
cell = gto.M(
  atom = '''H 0 0 0; H 1 1 1''',
  basis = 'gth-dzvp',
  pseudo = 'gth-lda',
  a = numpy.eye(3) * 2)
import pyscf
cell = pyscf.M(
  atom = '''H 0 0 0; H 1 1 1''',
  basis = 'gth-dzvp',
  pseudo = 'gth-lda',
  a = numpy.eye(3) * 2)

Geometry and lattice vectors

The Cell.atom attribute defines the positions of the atoms inside the unit cell, and the additional parameter Cell.a defines the lattice vectors. The format of Cell.a is array-like,

cell.a = numpy.eye(3) * 2
cell.a = [[2,0,0],[0,2,0],[0,0,2]]

Each row of the 3-by-3 matrix of Cell.a represents a lattice vector in Cartesian coordinates, with the same unit as the input atom parameter (and controllable by the unit attribute).


The input lattice vectors should form a right-handed coordinate system, as otherwise some integrals may be computed incorrectly in PySCF. PySCF will print a warning if the lattice vectors do not form a right-handed coordinate system.


Basis set and pseudopotentials

PySCF uses crystalline Gaussian-type orbitals as basis functions for periodic calculations. The predefined basis sets and ECPs for molecular calculations can be used in periodic calculations as well.

As described more in , many PBC calculations require the use of ECPs (or pseudopotentials, as they are more commonly called in periodic codes). In addition to molecular ECPs, PySCF includes GTH pseudopotentials, which have been parameterized for use with HF or different DFT functionals,

cell.pseudo = 'gth-hf'
cell.pseudo = 'gth-lda' # an alias for 'gth-pade'
cell.pseudo = 'gth-pbe'

The GTH pseudopotentials should always be used with corresponding valence basis sets,

cell.basis = 'gth-szv' # or gth-dzv, gth-dzvp, gth-tzvp

Lists of all available GTH pseudopotentials and basis sets are available in pbc/gto/pseudo and pbc/gto/basis.


GTH basis sets and pseudopotentials are not available for all atoms of the periodic table.



The k-points to be used in solid calculations can be obtained through the Cell.make_kpts method, by specifying the number of k-points in each lattice vector direction,

kpts = cell.make_kpts([1,2,2])
# (4,3)

By default, this will return the shifted Monkhorst-Pack mesh that includes the Gamma point. To get the non-shifted Monkhorst-Pack mesh,

kpts = cell.make_kpts([1,2,2], with_gamma_point=False)

To get a shifted Monkhorst-pack mesh centered at a specific point,

kpts = cell.make_kpts([1,2,2], scaled_center=[0.,0.25,0.25])

where scaled_center is defined in the units of reciprocal lattice vectors.

The obtained k-points are used as input for crystalline electronic structure calculations,

from pyscf.pbc import scf
kpts = cell.make_kpts([2,2,2])
kmf = scf.KRHF(cell, kpts=kpts)
e_hf = kmf.kernel()

Calculations with k-points always return the energy per unit cell.


Because k-point sampling formally represents a calculation on a supercell, the attribute Cell.spin indicates the number of unpaired electrons in the supercell (not in the unit cell). For example, in a calculation with a 2x2x2 k-point mesh, cell.spin = 1 leads to one unpaired electron in the supercell (not eight).

Low-dimensional systems

The PySCF pbc module also supports low-dimensional periodic systems. You can initialize the attribute Cell.dimension to specify the dimension of the system,

cell.dimension = 2
cell.a = numpy.eye(3) * 2

When Cell.dimension is smaller than 3, a vacuum of infinite size will be applied in certain direction(s). For example, when Cell.dimension = 2, the z-direction will be treated as infinitely large and the xy-plane constitutes the periodic surface. When Cell.dimension = 1, the y and z axes are treated as vacuum and thus the system is a wire in the x direction. When Cell.dimension = 0, all three directions are treated as vacuum, and this is equivalent to a molecular system.

Other parameters

The Cell.precision attribute determines the integral accuracy, and its default value is 1e-8 hartree. When calling the method, some parameters are set automatically based on the value of precision, including

  • mesh - length-3 list or 1x3 array of int

    • The numbers of grid points in the FFT-mesh in each direction.
  • ke_cutoff - float

    • Kinetic energy cutoff of the plane waves in FFTDF
  • rcut - float

    • Cutoff radius (in Bohr) of the lattice summation in the integral evaluation

Other attributes of the Mole class such as verbose, max_memory, etc., have the same meanings in the Cell class.


Currently, point group symmetries for crystals are not supported.


Accessing AO integrals

Periodic AO integrals can be evaluated using the Cell.pbc_intor function,

overlap = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp')
kin = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_kin')

By default, the Cell.pbc_intor function only returns integrals at the Gamma point. If k-points are specified, it will return the integrals at each k-point,

kpts = cell.make_kpts([2,2,2])
overlap = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', kpts=kpts)


The Cell.pbc_intor function can only be used to evaluate periodic short-range integrals. PBC density fitting methods have to be used to compute the integrals for long-range operators such as the electron-nuclear attraction and the electron-electron repulsion integrals.


The electron repulsion integrals can be evaluated with the periodic density fitting methods,

from pyscf.pbc import df
eri = df.DF(cell).get_eri()

See Periodic density fitting for more details.