:mod:`symm` -- Point group symmetry and spin symmetry
.. automodule:: pyscf.symm
PySCF supports D2h symmetry and linear molecule symmetry (Dooh and Coov). For D2h, the direct production of representations are
D2h | A1g | B1g | B2g | B3g | A1u | B1u | B2u | B3u |
A1g | A1g | |||||||
B1g | B1g | A1g | ||||||
B2g | B2g | B3g | A1g | |||||
B3g | B3g | B2g | B1g | A1g | ||||
A1u | A1u | B1u | B2u | B3u | A1g | |||
B1u | B1u | A1u | B3u | B2u | B1g | A1g | ||
B2u | B2u | B3u | A1u | B1u | B2g | B3g | A1g | |
B3u | B3u | B2u | B1u | A1u | B3g | B2g | B1g | A1g |
The multiplication table for XOR operator is
XOR | 000 | 001 | 010 | 011 | 100 | 101 | 110 | 111 |
000 | 000 | |||||||
001 | 001 | 000 | ||||||
010 | 010 | 011 | 000 | |||||
011 | 011 | 010 | 001 | 000 | ||||
100 | 100 | 101 | 110 | 111 | 000 | |||
101 | 101 | 100 | 111 | 110 | 001 | 000 | ||
110 | 110 | 111 | 100 | 101 | 010 | 011 | 000 | |
111 | 111 | 110 | 101 | 100 | 011 | 010 | 001 | 000 |
Comparing the two table, we notice that the two tables can be changed to each other with the mapping
D2h | XOR | ID |
A1g | 000 | 0 |
B1g | 001 | 1 |
B2g | 010 | 2 |
B3g | 011 | 3 |
A1u | 100 | 4 |
B1u | 101 | 5 |
B2u | 110 | 6 |
B3u | 111 | 7 |
The XOR operator and the D2h subgroups have the similar relationships. We therefore use the XOR operator ID to assign the irreps (see :file:`pyscf/symm/param.py`).
C2h | XOR | ID | C2v | XOR | ID | D2 | XOR | ID |
Ag | 00 | 0 | A1 | 00 | 0 | A1 | 00 | 0 |
Bg | 01 | 1 | A2 | 01 | 1 | B1 | 01 | 1 |
Au | 10 | 2 | B1 | 10 | 2 | B2 | 10 | 2 |
Bu | 11 | 3 | B2 | 11 | 3 | B3 | 11 | 3 |
Cs | XOR | ID | Ci | XOR | ID | C2 | XOR | ID |
A' | 0 | 0 | Ag | 0 | 0 | A | 0 | 0 |
B" | 1 | 1 | Au | 1 | 1 | B | 1 | 1 |
To easily get the relationship between the linear molecule symmetry and D2h/C2v, the ID for irreducible representations of linear molecule symmetry are chosen as (see :file:`pyscf/symm/basis.py`)
D_{\infty h} | ID | D_{2h} | ID |
A1g | 0 | Ag | 0 |
A2g | 1 | B1g | 1 |
A1u | 5 | B1u | 5 |
A2u | 4 | Au | 4 |
E1gx | 2 | B2g | 2 |
E1gy | 3 | B3g | 3 |
E1uy | 6 | B2u | 6 |
E1ux | 7 | B3u | 7 |
E2gx | 10 | Ag | 0 |
E2gy | 11 | B1g | 1 |
E2ux | 15 | B1u | 5 |
E2uy | 14 | Au | 4 |
E3gx | 12 | B2g | 2 |
E3gy | 13 | B3g | 3 |
E3uy | 16 | B2u | 6 |
E3ux | 17 | B3u | 7 |
E4gx | 20 | Ag | 0 |
E4gy | 21 | B1g | 1 |
E4ux | 25 | B1u | 5 |
E4uy | 24 | Au | 4 |
E5gx | 22 | B2g | 2 |
E5gy | 23 | B3g | 3 |
E5uy | 26 | B2u | 6 |
E5ux | 27 | B3u | 7 |
C_{\infty v} | ID | C_{2v} | ID |
A1 | 0 | A1 | 0 |
A2 | 1 | A2 | 1 |
E1x | 2 | B1 | 2 |
E1y | 3 | B2 | 3 |
E2x | 10 | A1 | 0 |
E2y | 11 | A2 | 1 |
E3x | 12 | B1 | 2 |
E3y | 13 | B2 | 3 |
E4x | 20 | A1 | 0 |
E4y | 21 | A2 | 1 |
E5x | 22 | B1 | 2 |
E5y | 23 | B2 | 3 |
So that, the subduction from linear molecule symmetry to D2h/C2v can be
achieved by the modular operation %10
In many output messages, the irreducible representations are labeld with the IDs instead of the irreps' symbols. We can use :func:`symm.addons.irrep_id2name` to convert the ID to irreps' symbol, e.g.:
>>> from pyscf import symm >>> [symm.irrep_id2name('Dooh', x) for x in [7, 6, 0, 10, 11, 0, 5, 3, 2, 5, 15, 14]] ['E1ux', 'E1uy', 'A1g', 'E2gx', 'E2gy', 'A1g', 'A1u', 'E1gy', 'E1gx', 'A1u', 'E2ux', 'E2uy']
To control the HF determinant symmetry, one can assign occupancy for particular irreps, e.g.
.. literalinclude:: /../examples/scf/13-symmetry.py
FCI wavefunction symmetry can be controlled by initial guess. Function :func:`fci.addons.symm_initguess` can generate the FCI initial guess with the right symmetry.
The symmetry of active space in the CASCI/CASSCF calculations can controlled
.. literalinclude:: /../examples/mcscf/21-active_space_symmetry.py
MP2 and CCSD
Point group symmetry are not supported in CCSD, MP2.
- :source:`examples/symm/30-guess_symmetry.py`
- :source:`examples/symm/31-symmetrize_space.py`
- :source:`examples/symm/32-symmetrize_natural_orbital.py`
- :source:`examples/symm/33-lz_adaption.py`
.. automodule:: pyscf.symm.geom :members:
.. automodule:: pyscf.symm.basis :members:
.. automodule:: pyscf.symm.addons :members:
.. automodule:: pyscf.symm.cg :members:
.. automodule:: pyscf.symm.param :members:
.. automodule:: pyscf.symm.sph :members:
.. automodule:: pyscf.symm.Dmatrix :members: