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Code standard

General considerations

The PySCF code base is designed to provide a convenient environment for the development of new computational methods, ranging from proof-of-concept implementations to calculations on moderate size systems. Our emphasis is first on simplicity, next on generality, and last on efficiency. We favor implementations that have clear structure, with optimization only at Python level. If Python performance becomes a major bottleneck, parts of the implementation can be written in C to improve efficiency. The following guidelines (not strict rules!) have been followed in the development of PySCF. Please refer to them when suggesting new contributions.

  • 90/10 functional/OOP, unless performance critical, functions are pure.
  • 90/10 Python/C, only computational hot spots were written in C.
  • To extend python function with C:
    • Except complex numbers and variable length array, following C89 (gnu89) standard for C code.
    • Following C89 (gnu89) standard for C code;
    • Using ctypes to call C functions
  • Conservative on advanced language feature.
  • Minimal dependence principle
    • Minimal requirements on 3rd party program or libraries.
    • Loose-coupling between modules so that the failure of one module can have minimal effects on other modules.
    • Third party Python library imports need either back-up implementations or error/exception handling to avoid breaking the import chain
  • Guidelines for use of external C and Fortran libraries within C extensions to PySCF. The extensions are compiled and linked into PySCF, with compile/link flags resolved by CMake. - BLAS, FFTW: Yes. - LAPACK: Yes, but not recommended. LAPACK can be used in the PySCF C-level library. However, we recommend restructuring your code by moving all linear algebra and sparse matrix operations to NumPy operations in pure Python. - MPI and other parallel libraries: No. MPI communications should be implemented in Python through the MPI4py library.
  • Code format. Code should comply with the [PEP8]( style.

Naming conventions

  • The prefix or suffix underscore in the function names have special meanings
    • functions with prefix-underscore like _fn are private functions. They are typically not documented, and not recommended to use.
    • functions with suffix-underscore like fn_ means that they have side effects. The side effects include the change of the input arguments, the runtime modification of the class definitions (attributes or members), or module definitions (global variables or functions) etc.
    • regular (pure) functions do not have underscore as the prefix or suffix.

API conventions

  • :class:`gto.Mole` (or :class:`gto.Cell` for PBC calculations) holds all global parameters, like the log level, the max memory usage etc. They are used as the default values for all other classes.

  • Class for quantum chemistry models or algorithms

    • Most QC method classes (like HF, CASSCF, FCI, ...) have three attributes verbose, stdout and max_memory which are copied directly from :class:`gto.Mole` (or :class:`gto.Cell`. Overwriting these attributes only affects the behavior of the local instance for that method class. In the following example, mf.verbose mutes all messages produced by :class:`RHF` method, and the output of :class:`MP2` is written in the log file example.log:

      >>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mp
      >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1', verbose=5)
      >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol)
      >>> mf.verbose = 0
      >>> mf.kernel()
      >>> mp2 = mp.MP2(mf)
      >>> mp2.stdout = open('example.log', 'w')
      >>> mp2.kernel()
    • Method class are only to hold the options or environments (like convergence threshold, max iterations, ...) to control the behavior/convergence of the method. Intermediate status at runtime are not supposed to be saved in the method class (in contrast to the object oriented paradigm). However, the final results or outputs can be kept in the method object so that they can be easily accessed in the subsequent steps. We need to assume the attributes for results will be used as default inputs or environments for other objects in the rest parts of the program. The results attributes should be immutable, once they were generated and stored (after calling the :func:`kernel()` method) in a particular object.

    • In __init__ function, initialize/define the problem size. The problem size parameters (like num_orbitals etc) can be considered as environments. They should be immutable.

    • Kernel functions: Classes for QC models should provide a method :func:`kernel` as the entrance/main function. The :func:`kernel` function then call other code to finish the calculation. Although not required, it is recommended to let the kernel function return certain key results. If your class is inherited from the :class:`pyscf.lib.StreamObject`, the class has a method :func:`run` which will call the :func:`kernel` function and return the object itself. One can simply call the :func:`kernel` method or :func:`run` method to start the flow of a QC method.

  • Function arguments

    • The first argument is a handler. The handler is one of :class:`gto.Mole` object, a mean-field object, or a post-Hartree-Fock object.
  • Return value. Create returns for all functions whenever possible. For methods defined in class, return self instead of None if the method does not have particular return values.

Unit Tests and Example Scripts

  • Examples for modules should be placed in the appropriate directory inside the /examples directory. While the examples should be light enough to run on a modest personal computer, the examples should not be trivial. Instead, the point of the examples is to showcase the functionality of the module. The format for naming examples is:


    where XX is a two-digit numeric string.

  • Test cases are placed in the /test/name_of_module directory and performed with nosetest ( These tests are to ensure the robustness of both simple functions and more complex drivers between version changes.