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220 lines (172 loc) · 5.37 KB

File metadata and controls

220 lines (172 loc) · 5.37 KB

A normalized ast would be a nested set of statements, a sort of subset of the regular JS ast. It would be target JS as an output language even though the ast does not match that specifically. You could consider this the IR of Preval, although the output is valid JS (just like how asm.js used to do it).

BlockStatement list: Statement[]

Statement > AssignmentIdentStatement AssignmentPropStatement AssignmentComputedPropStatement BlockStatement // mmmm BreakStatement CallStatement ConstStatement EmptyStatement ExportNamedDeclaration (?) ExpressionStatement IfStatement ImportDeclaration (?) LabelStatement LetStatement ReturnStatement ThrowStatement TryStatement WhileStatement

AssignmentIdentStatement > left: string right: Expression

AssignmentPropStatement > obj: string prop: string right: Expression

AssignmentComputedPropStatement > obj: string prop: string right: Expression

BlockStatement > body: Statement[]

BreakStatement > label?: string // maybe default to empty string rather than null, for that monomorphic yadadada typing

ConstStatement > id: string init: Expression

DebuggerStatement > - // we (ab)use this as a special kind of header boundary for functions. shouldn't appear otherwise.

EmptyStatemnt > -

ExportNamedDeclaration > ? TODO

ExpressionStatement expr: Expression

IdentStatement > name: string

LabelStatement > label: string body: BlockStatement

LetStatement > id: string init: Expression

ReturnStatement > expression: SimpleExpression

ThrowStatement > expression: SimpleExpression

TryStatement > body: BlockStatement id: string trap: BlockStatement

WhileStatement > test: SimpleExpression body: BlockStatement

Expression > ComplexExpression // Multi token values or expressions with nested (simple) expressions SimpleExpression // Primitives and identifiers

ComplexExpression > ArrayLiteral AwaitExpression BinaryExpression CallComputedMethodExpression CallIdentExpression CallMethodExpression MemberExpression MemberComputedExpression ObjectLiteral Param // This one is kind of special, maybe this makes them "simple" anyways? ThisExpression // Should only appear in function header where it gets aliased... if referenced at all UnaryExpression YieldExpression

SimpleExpression > Identifier Primitive TemplateExpression

ArrayLiteral > elements: ArrayLiteralPart[] // (elements may have holes, those are null in the AST/PST)

ArrayLiteralPart > null // hole/elided SimpleExpression SpreadElement

AwaitExpression > arg: SimpleExpression

BinaryExpression > op: string // + - % ^ etc left: SimpleExpression right: SimpleExpression

CallArg > SimpleExpression SpreadElement

CallIdentExpression > callee: string args: CallArg[]

CallMethodExpression > object: SimpleExpression prop: string args: CallArg[]

CallComputedMethodExpression > object: SimpleExpression prop: SimpleExpression // ident would be slightly simpler but then we wouldn't want to force an extra var for invalid ident names like "delete" args: CallArg[]

ClassExpression > name: string | null // or should this be empty string for none? extends: SimpleExpression | null body: ClassBody

FunctionExpression > name?: string // or should this be empty string for none? params: Param[] async: boolean generator: boolean body: BlockStatement

MemberExpression > object: SimpleExpression prop: string

MemberComputedExpression > object: SimpleExpression prop: SimpleExpression

ObjectLiteral > props: (Identifier | PropComputed | PropSpread | PropMethod)[]

Param > index: number name: string

Primitive > type: number, true, false, undefined, null, NaN, Infinity, string

Prop > name: string value: SimpleExpression

PropComputed > name: SimpleExpression value: SimpleExpression

PropMethod > name: Ident isComputed: boolean isAsync: boolean isGenerator: boolean // is this even possible? func: FunctionExpression

PropSpread > arg: SimpleExpression

RegexLiteral > full pattern flags

SpreadElement > arg: SimpleExpression // or is this always an ident and so this can be a string?

ThisExpression > - // only appears in header of functions to alias the value

UnaryExpression > op: string // ~ ! + - typeof delete. not sure if we simply eliminate + and remove - from a "unary" prop: SimpleExpression if op=delete then prop can be a MemberExpression, do we create a DeleteExpression instead?

YieldExpression > arg: SimpleExpression

TemplateExpression > strings: string[] // Maybe we'll turn every string into a template string (even without dynamic components) idents: string[]

Identifier > name: string