diff --git a/BasicPythonScripts/URL_Shortener/README.md b/BasicPythonScripts/URL_Shortener/README.md
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+++ b/BasicPythonScripts/URL_Shortener/README.md
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URL Shortner
+It shortens the website URL.
+## How to run the script
+-Download the library using command **pip install pyshorteners** in command prompt.
+## How it works
+- It takes the website URL as input.
+- It shortens the given URL and returns the shortened URL.
+# Url Shortener
+Long URLs are not easy to handle so URLs should be short and sweet so that they are easy to share.
+**pyshorteners** is a Python lib to help you short and expand urls using URL Shorteners available.
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diff --git a/BasicPythonScripts/URL_Shortener/code.py b/BasicPythonScripts/URL_Shortener/code.py
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index 000000000..1dd3a0404
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+++ b/BasicPythonScripts/URL_Shortener/code.py
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+import pyshorteners #library in python for shortening URL
+def shorten(url):
+ return pyshorteners.Shortener().tinyurl.short(url) ## shortening the URL
+url = input("Enter URL: ") #takes input(URL) from the user
+print("Shortened URL : ", shorten(url)) #returns output
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