diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 653d2e201..e414d1a5c 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/). ### Contributors +- [abwlodar] - [jgfgoncalves] - Stephen Cox [stephen-cox-nzx] - Marijn Somers [Marijnsomers] diff --git a/documentation/Set-PnPTeamsTeam.md b/documentation/Set-PnPTeamsTeam.md index 8eb1182bc..be50d5cd4 100644 --- a/documentation/Set-PnPTeamsTeam.md +++ b/documentation/Set-PnPTeamsTeam.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Set-PnPTeamsTeam -Identity [-DisplayName ] [-Descrip [-AllowGiphy ] [-AllowGuestCreateUpdateChannels ] [-AllowGuestDeleteChannels ] [-AllowOwnerDeleteMessages ] [-AllowStickersAndMemes ] [-AllowTeamMentions ] [-AllowUserDeleteMessages ] [-AllowUserEditMessages ] - [-GiphyContentRating ] [-ShowInTeamsSearchAndSuggestions ] + [-GiphyContentRating ] [-ShowInTeamsSearchAndSuggestions ] [-AllowCreatePrivateChannels ] [-Classification ] ``` @@ -277,6 +277,20 @@ Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ``` +### -AllowCreatePrivateChannels +Determines whether private channel creation is allowed for the team. + +```yaml +Type: Boolean +Parameter Sets: (All) + +Required: False +Position: Named +Default value: None +Accept pipeline input: False +Accept wildcard characters: False +``` + ### -Classification ```yaml diff --git a/src/Commands/Teams/SetTeamsTeam.cs b/src/Commands/Teams/SetTeamsTeam.cs index 6c9a83902..e274a7809 100644 --- a/src/Commands/Teams/SetTeamsTeam.cs +++ b/src/Commands/Teams/SetTeamsTeam.cs @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public class SetTeamsTeam : PnPGraphCmdlet public bool? AllowUserEditMessages; [Parameter(Mandatory = false, ParameterSetName = ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets)] - public Model.Teams.TeamGiphyContentRating GiphyContentRating; + public TeamGiphyContentRating GiphyContentRating; [Parameter(Mandatory = false, ParameterSetName = ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets)] public bool? ShowInTeamsSearchAndSuggestions; @@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ public class SetTeamsTeam : PnPGraphCmdlet [Parameter(Mandatory = false, ParameterSetName = ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets)] public bool? AllowCreatePrivateChannels; + protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { var groupId = Identity.GetGroupId(GraphRequestHelper);