File tree
2,565 files changed
lines changed- .circleci
- .github
- _data
- _includes
- both
- layouts
- posts
- _layouts
- _plugins
- _posts
- dashboards
- marketplace-dashboards
- dashboard_files
- xlwings_assets
- ggplot2
- julia
- 3d-line
- 3d-scatter
- 3d-surface
- annotations
- area
- axes
- bar
- box
- bubble
- contour
- error-bar
- fileopt
- font
- getting-started
- heatmap
- histogram
- histogram2d
- iframes
- insets
- labels
- latex
- legends
- line_and_scatter
- log
- mixed
- multiple-axes
- polar
- privacy
- sizing
- subplots
- time-series
- matlab
- 3d-line
- 3d-ribbon
- 3d-scatter
- 3d-surface
- aircraft-pitch
- annotations
- area
- axes
- backgrounds
- bar
- basic_shapes
- box
- bubble
- callbacks-buttons
- callbacks-click
- callbacks-dropdowns
- callbacks-hover
- callbacks-sliders
- callbacks-zoom
- contour
- dashboard
- error-bar
- fft
- fileopt
- font
- get-requests
- getting-started
- heatmap
- histogram
- histogram2d
- iframes
- insets
- labels
- latex
- legends
- line_and_scatter
- line_exclusive
- log
- maps
- mixed
- multiple-axes
- network_graphs
- polar
- privacy
- quiver-plots
- redirects
- scatter_exclusive
- sending-data
- sizing
- sparse_matrix_graphs
- static-image-matlab
- statistical-toolbox
- stem-plots
- stft
- streamline
- subplots
- ternary-plots
- time-series
- treemap
- user_guide_matlab
- misc
- nodejs
- 3d-line
- 3d-scatter
- 3d-surface
- annotations
- area
- axes
- bar
- box
- bubble
- contour
- error-bar
- fileopt
- font
- get-requests
- getting-started
- heatmap
- histogram
- histogram2d
- iframes
- insets
- labels
- latex
- legends
- line_and_scatter
- log
- mixed
- multiple-axes
- polar
- privacy
- sizing
- static-image
- subplots
- time-series
- plotly_js
- 3d
- 3d-cluster
- 3d-cone
- 3d-isosurface
- 3d-line
- 3d-mesh
- 3d-scatter
- 3d-streamtube
- 3d-surface
- ribbon-plots
- trisurf
- animations
- animations
- animations-slider
- filled-area-animations
- map-animations
- basic
- WebGL
- area
- bar
- bubble
- dot
- horizontal-bar
- line-plots
- line_and_scatter
- mixed
- pie
- pointcloud
- sankey
- sunburst
- table
- treemap
- chart-events
- callbacks-click
- callbacks-hover
- callbacks-zoom
- events
- hover
- remove-trace
- zoom-disable
- controls
- callbacks-buttons
- callbacks-dropdowns
- callbacks-slider-components
- lasso
- range-slider
- financial
- bullet
- candlestick-charts
- funnel
- gauge
- indicator1
- ohlc
- time-series
- waterfall
- fundamentals
- 3d-axes
- 3d-hover-options
- 3d-surface-lighting
- ajax-call
- annotations
- axes
- colorscales
- colorway
- config-options
- eula
- font
- horizontal-legend
- hover
- images
- labels
- latex
- layout-template
- legends
- marker-style
- react
- responsive-fluid-layout
- shapes
- sizing
- static-image-export
- texttemplate
- tick-format
- uirevision
- legacy/polar
- maps
- bubble-maps
- choropleth-mapbox
- choropleth-maps
- density-mapbox
- fill-area-on-mapbox
- lines-on-maps
- mapbox-layers
- scatter-plot-on-maps
- scattermapbox
- scientific
- carpet
- carpet-contour
- carpet-scatter
- contour
- heatmap
- heatmap-webgl
- log
- parcoords
- radar
- scatterpolar
- ternary-contour
- ternary-plots
- wind-rose
- statistical
- box
- continuous-error-bars
- density-plots
- error-bar
- histogram
- histogram2d
- histogram2dcontour
- parcats
- splom
- violin
- streaming
- subplot
- 3d-subplots
- insets
- mixed-subplots
- multiple-axes
- subplot-table
- subplots
- transforms
- aggregates
- filter
- groupby
- multiple-transforms
- python
- chart-studio
- python-v3
- 3d
- 3d-axes
- 3d-bubble
- 3d-camera-controls
- 3d-clusters
- 3d-cone
- 3d-filled-line
- 3d-hover
- 3d-line
- 3d-mesh
- 3d-network
- 3d-parametric
- 3d-ribbon
- 3d-scatter
- 3d-streamtube
- 3d-subplot
- 3d-surface
- 3d-surface-coloring
- 3d-surface-lighting
- 3d-wireframe
- iso-surface
- projection-of-3d-plots
- tri-surf
- triangulation
- advanced
- annotations
- cmocean
- examples
- horizontal-legend
- latex
- logos
- marker-style
- matplotlib_colorscales
- examples
- animations
- filled-area-animation
- gapminder-example
- heatmap
- intro-to-animations
- visualizing-mri-volume-slices
- basic
- WebGL
- area
- bar
- bubble
- dot
- gantt
- gauge-chart
- horizontal-bar
- line-plots
- line_and_scatter
- pie
- pyramid
- sankey
- sunburst
- table
- table-subplots/Subplots-with-table-Plotly
- waterfall
- chart-studio
- data-api
- delete
- fileopt
- get-requests
- getting-started
- iframes
- ipython-notebooks
- offline
- presentations
- privacy
- proxies
- sending-data
- controls
- buttons
- dropdowns
- range-slider
- sliders
- databases
- bigquery
- plot-csv
- financial
- candlestick
- funnel
- ohlc
- time-series
- fundamentals
- annotations
- axes
- Si_bands
- Bandes
- colorscales
- colorway
- config
- font
- hover-text
- images
- ipython-vs-python
- labels
- legends
- mixed
- multiple-axes
- orca-management
- shapes
- sizing
- static-image
- subplots
- tick-format
- user_guide_python
- ipython-notebooks
- javascript-controls
- figureWidgets
- ipython-widgets
- legacy
- dashboard
- polar
- scatterplot-matrix
- violin-plot
- maps
- bubble-maps
- choropleth-maps
- county-choropleth
- lines-on-maps
- mapbox
- mapbox-county-choropleth
- scatter-plot-on-maps
- tesla-supercharging-stations
- mathematics
- average-multiple-curves
- interpolation-and-extrapolation-in-1d
- interpolation-and-extrapolation-in-2d
- linear-algebra
- normalization
- numerical-differentiation
- numerical-integration
- polygon-area
- simple-mathematics-operations
- peak-analysis
- baseline-detection
- baseline-subtraction
- peak-finding
- peak-fitting
- peak-integration
- redirects
- report-generation
- scientific
- alpha-shapes
- annotated-heatmap
- carpet
- carpet-contour
- carpet-scatter
- chord
- contour
- dendrogram
- filled-chord
- heatmap
- heatmap-webgl
- log
- network
- parcoords
- quiver
- radar
- scatterpolar
- streamline
- ternary
- ternary-contour
- ternary-scatter-contour
- wind-rose
- signal-analysis
- 1d-correlation
- convolution
- fft-filters
- smoothing
- statistical
- box
- bullet
- continuous-error-bars
- density-plots
- distplot
- error-bar
- facet-trellis
- histogram
- histogram2d
- histogram2dcontour
- parcats
- splom
- tree-plot
- treemap
- violin
- statistics
- anova
- basic-statistics
- discrete-frequency
- exponential-fit
- frequency-counts
- linear-fit
- normality-test
- outlier-test
- polynomial-fit
- random-walk
- statistics-charts
- t-test
- streaming
- old_examples
- style/colorscales
- subplots
- ff-subplots
- insets
- map-subplots
- mixed-subplots
- table-subplots
- transforms
- aggregates
- filter
- groupby
- multiple-transforms
- user_guide_python
- r
- chart-events
- callbacks-click
- callbacks-hover
- callbacks-zoom
- chart-studio
- sending-data
- streaming
- reference_pages
- scala
- line_and_scatter
- subplots
- surface
- surface-subplots
- _sass/components
- date_picker
- all_static
- css
- fonts
- font-awesome
- css
- font
- images
- ipython-img
- matlab_user_guide
- py-user-guide-img
- javascripts
- algolia
- bootstrap
- dist
- css
- fonts
- js
- fonts
- grunt
- js
- less
- mixins
- codehighlight
- styles
- holderjs
- jquery
- dist
- src
- ajax
- var
- attributes
- core
- var
- css
- var
- data
- var
- effects
- event
- exports
- manipulation
- var
- queue
- sizzle/dist
- traversing
- var
- var
- jquery-knob
- dist
- js
- keen-js
- dist
- slider
- r_files
- scripts
- scss
- _abstract
- _components
- _pages
- layout
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
2,565 files changed
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0 commit comments