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+participants: [Ross Beyer, Andrew Annex, Christian Tai Udovicic, Michael Aye, Chase Million]
+# PlanetaryPy TC meeting
+20:30 UTC 21:30 CEST * Zoom Link: [https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/2789149686](https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/2789149686)
+# Open action times
+- AA to merge incubation docs
+    - are we all maintainer on the TC repo?
+    - check repo settings
+- Core to implement GH workflows
+    - 
+# Agenda
+## PyHC
+AA and RB learned a lot about PyHC is run and they would like to report and discuss relevance to the PlanetaryPy project.
+RB: AA and RB met Juile, community manager of PyHC
+- seemed wild to RB how they operate?
+- They focused on people while focused on code
+- funded small grant for a community manager
+- workshops have 100 in person participants+ 300 online
+- CM: just received a call that forbids code dev, just community building
+- AA: is mode of operandi difference in heliophysics maybe a reason for split up community compared to planetary physics?
+- MA: Geo folks seem to be able to gather / collect?
+- CM: earth funds are also magnitudes higher than planetary
+Training efforts?
+CM: apply for TWSC for PDW 2025
+2 days meeting of stakeholders
+2 days training and hacking
+Sierra: NSF POSE proposals
+phase 1 : figure out how to grow
+phase 2: do the growing
+TWSC by Christian and Andrew
+- Christian would like to hand on the lead as he might be off US by next year
+- We still think it's worth for an extra TWSC application in addition to the PDW one by Chase
+## Plans for PDW 2025
+- CM requested to discuss
+  - no notes unfortunately, help?
+## AOB
+# New Action Items