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Seed for a project using

  • Angular2
  • Typescript
  • Systemjs

For Testing

  • Karma (with Jasmine + Istanbul)
  • wallabyjs

For building

  • Gulp

##Getting things started

> npm install
> gulp

##Code coverage Results are mapped back to the Typescript files and are stored in build/istanbul-html-report/index.html.

##Wallaby.js If you use the awesome wallaby.js test runner (I do for Visual Studio Code) there is already a preconfigured wallaby.js file. So you get instant inline test feedback.


##Why no jspm? jspm just adds small value for me. I don't need to pull modules from Github or Bower. All I need I get directly from npm. The automatic configuration of systemjs can done by hand. The most reason I don't use it is because of Visual Studio Code does not provide code completion if angular2 is placed in jspm_packages/npm instead of node_modules.