Maven dependency explorer. This application crawls POM files in the Maven central repo and discovers dependencies.
Built on Google Cloud with an AngularJS front end. D3 for data visualization.
mvn clean install
This will:
- Compile the application
- Unit test the code
- Integration test the code against a dev server running locally
mvn appengine:devserver
This will:
- Compile the application
- Unit test the code
- Run the application on the local dev server
If you want to just run the server without running tests:
mvn appengine:devserver -Dmaven.test.skip=true
mvn appengine:update
This will:
- Compile the application
- Unit test the code
- Integration test the code against a dev server running locally
- Deploy up to Google cloud
mvn eclipse:eclipse
This will:
- Create the eclipse project so you can 'import existing project' in eclipse.