It contains the shared components, enums, hooks, interfaces, utils, and styles for the language and translator services of the Finnish National Agency for Education.
In this project directory, you can run:
yarn shared:eslint : Run eslint checks
yarn shared:format : Format
yarn shared:lint : Run all linters
yarn shared:stylelint : Run Stylelint checks
yarn shared:test:jest : Run Jest tests
yarn shared:tslint : Run Tslint checks
├── ...
├── src
│ ├── components # React components
│ ├── enums # TS Enums
│ └── hooks # React hooks
│ └── interfaces # TS Interfaces
│ └── styles # SCSS styles
│ └── utils # Utils
└── ...
Create an access token as instructed here, and select ONLY
as the scope -
Add created token to your bash profile:
PROFILE_ADDRESS=~/.zshrc # Depends on your current active profile. ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc echo 'export GITHUB_REGISTRY_TOKEN="created_token_here"' >> $PROFILE_ADDRESS
Reload bash profile configs
(Optional) Run
yarn add shared@npm:@opetushallitus/kieli-ja-kaantajatutkinnot.shared@version
to install the package