If testing on an external device, please modify the bundle identifier in Signing & Capabilities to your own unique bundle ID.
This platform facilitates a “yard sale”- for books. Each user will have a wish list that contains books they are searching for, and an inventory list that contains books they have but no longer want. Books can be added to either list by entering ISBN number, book condition (new, used, poor) and, optionally, a picture. The items on each user’s wish list/inventory list will be featured as listings on a general database, which will be able for all users to view. The app will also have a “matches” page, which displays all listings that correspond to the user’s personal wish list and inventory. Filters will be added to allow user to filter these listings by distance, condition, etc. Upon selecting a listing, users will be able to get into contact and arrange the book transaction!
Joel Boersma (handler: joelboersma)
Syam Haque (handler: syamhaque)
Peter Kim (handler: pdekim)
Christina Luong (handler: cyluong)
Urvashi Mahto (handler: urvashimahto16)
Figma Link: https://www.figma.com/file/5MVhFopjyrgpRBxOYQlR8y/Bookworm-UI?node-id=0%3A1