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132 lines (78 loc) · 3.35 KB


Allows you to mock Class methods for use in testing with a few extra testy bits thrown in.


This will replace the method on our TestClass prototype to a method which firstly checks the arguments passed to it and will in the event of errors. It will then return a resolved Promise with the given output.

    // First, instantiate ClassMock with the class you would like to mock
    const classMock = new ClassMock( TestClass );

    // Then replace one of the methods
    const methodMock = classMock.mock( 'myMethod' )
            { type: 'string', value: 'Hello, World!' },
            { value: 1 },
            { type: 'string', value: 'Sausages', optional: true }
        .resolves( 'Such Promise resolution!' )

    // Then anything which calls your mocked-method will
    // have it's inputs checked and receieve a resolved promise
    // ( other outcomes are available )
    const myTestClass = new TestClass();
    myTestClass.doStuff( 'Hello, World!', 1 ).then(
        out => console.log( 'Hey, my test works!' )

    // Finally, remember to un-mock!

To start-a-mocking, simply instantiate a ClassMock with your desired class ( non instantiated ). The ClassMock object exposes the following methods...


This can be considered the mock factory or the mock father or the mock-mack-daddy. Having instantiated it with your desired class, it will produce little method mock children.

  • mock

    Main entry for overriding methods


    • methodName [Stirng] - Name of class method to override
    • callback [Function, Optional] - Function to use as mock
    • context [Object, Optional] - An instantiated object which acts as this in your override method


    • methodMock [Object] - A representation of the mock dynamic
  • unMock

    Reinstates original method


    • methodName [String] - Name of method to reinstate
  • unMockAll

    Reinstate all mocked methods

Method Mocking

When calling mock on the mock-father you will receive back an object which exposes these methods...

  • shouldHaveArguments

    Provide a list of expected arguments, if any are amiss


    • argumentDescriptorList [Array|Object] - A list of objects describing each expected parameter

      • value - The expected value
      • type - The typeof the argument
      • optional - Some arguments are optional
  • resolves

    The overriden method will result in a resolved Promise being returned with the given value.


    • output - Value to resolve
  • rejects

    The overriden method will result in a rejected Promise being returned with the given error.


    • error - Value to reject
  • returns

    The overriden method will result in the specified value being returned.


    • output - Value to reject
  • throws

    The overriden method will result in the given error being thrown


    • error - Value to throw
  • unMock

    Reinstate the original function

To develop

npm install
npm test

To compile

babel src/class-mock.js -o lib/class-mock.js

... to be continued