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Whalers of the moon

Just a bunch of dockerfiles - hosted in and built using Google Cloud Build

Whalers of the moon


In order to build the docker images locally, you need to setup your gcloud cli by running gcloud init, login using your account and switch to the ouzidev-testinfra-252513 project.

Decrypt the glcoud provided secrets

echo -n "ENCRYPTED_TEXT_BASE64" | base64 -D > ciphertext.txt
gcloud kms decrypt --project=ouzidev-testinfra-252513 --key=build --keyring=test-infra --location=europe-west4 --ciphertext-file=ciphertext.txt --plaintext-file=-



Docker image to build with go!

Docker Repository on Quay

Base Image Entrypoint Extras Dockerfile
golang:1.14.0-alpine3.11 None * curl
* make
* bash
* git
* nodejs
* npn
* golagci-lint
* gox
* goimports
* gomock
* mockgen
* zip

build image

To build the image we have a Makefile, when running the targets we can set a different version for go, golangci-lint and the tag we create using environment variables:

  • GOLANG_VERSION: Go version to use as base image. Default value: 1.14.0
  • GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION: Version to install of golangci-lint. Default value: 1.23.6
  • TAG: Tag for the docker image, if not set TAG will use the same value as GOLANG_VERSION

Make targets:

  • make build: Builds the docker image.
  • make push: Push the image to the remote repository.

You can use make go-builder-push from the root folder and it will build the image with the default settings and push it to the repo.


Docker image to build docker images in docker!

Docker Repository on Quay

Base Image Entrypoint Extras Dockerfile
docker:stable-dind * curl
* make
* bash
* git
* python
* pip
* aws-cli

build image

To build the image we have a Makefile, when running the targets we can set a different version for docker and the tag we create using environment variables:

  • DOCKER_VERSION: Docker version to use as base image. Default value: stable

Make targets:

  • make build: Builds the docker image.
  • make push: Push the image to the remote repository.

You can use make dind-push from the root folder and it will build the image with the default settings and push it to the repo.


Docker image to build docker images in docker with Prow!

Docker Repository on Quay

IMPORTANT: This image is to use with Prow, and you need to use ALWAYS as start command: and the container needs privileged permissions!

Base Image Entrypoint Extras Dockerfile
debian:stretch None * docker Dockerfile

build image

To build the image we have a Makefile, when running the targets we can set a different version for docker and the tag we create using environment variables:

  • DOCKER_VERSION: Docker version to use as base image. Default value: 18.09

Make targets:

  • make build: Builds the docker image.
  • make push: Push the image to the remote repository.

You can use make kube-dind-push from the root folder and it will build the image with the default settings and push it to the repo.

Container example with Prow

- name: "build-kube-dind-image"
  imagePullPolicy: Always
  image: belitre/kube-dind
    - make
    - kube-dind-push
    privileged: true


Docker image for helm

Docker Repository on Quay

Base Image Entrypoint Extras Dockerfile
alpine:3.11 None None Dockerfile

build image

To build the image we have a Makefile, when running the targets we can set a different version for go-builder and helm and the tag we create using environment variables:

  • HELM3_VERSION: Version to install of helm3. Default value: v3.1.1
  • HELM2_VERSION: Version to install of helm2. Default value: v2.16.3
  • TAG: Tag for the docker image

Make targets:

  • make build: Builds the docker images.
  • make push: Push the images to the remote repository.

You can use make toolbox-push from the root folder and it will build the image with the default settings and push it to the repo.


Docker image that we use as a toolbox

Docker Repository on Quay

Base Image Entrypoint Extras Dockerfile None * curl
* wget
* ca-certificates
* make
* bash
* git
* nodejs
* npm
* tar
* zip
* helm
* kubectl
* jb
* gojsontoyaml
* jsonnet

build image

To build the image we have a Makefile, when running the targets we can set a different version for go-builder and helm and the tag we create using environment variables:

  • GO_BUILDER_TAG: Go-Builder tag to use as base image. Default value: 1.14.0
  • HELM_VERSION: Version to install of helm. Default value: v3.1.1
  • KUBECTL_VERSION: Version to install of kubectl. Default value: v1.16.2
  • TAG: Tag for the docker image

Make targets:

  • make build: Builds the docker image.
  • make push: Push the image to the remote repository.

You can use make toolbox-push from the root folder and it will build the image with the default settings and push it to the repo.

athena cli

Docker image that we use as for running AWS Athena queries

Docker Repository on Quay

Base Image Entrypoint Extras Dockerfile
python:3.8.0-alpine /usr/local/bin/athenacli Dockerfile

build image

To build the image we have a Makefile, when running the targets we can set a different version for the AthenaCLI and the tag we create using environment variables:

  • ATHENACLI_VERSION: Version to install of [athenacli]( Default value: 0.1.4
  • TAG: Tag for the docker image

Make targets:

  • make build: Builds the docker image.
  • make push: Push the image to the remote repository.

You can use make athenacli-push from the root folder and it will build the image with the default settings and push it to the repo.


Docker image that we use as for scanning repositories for secrets that should not be committed

Docker Repository on Quay

Base Image Entrypoint Extras Dockerfile
alpine:3.11 N/A * make
* bash
* git
* git

build image

To build the image we have a Makefile, when running the targets we can set a different version for the AWS Git Secrets tool and the tag we create using environment variables:

  • AWS_GIT_SECRETS_VERSION: Version to install of [awslabs/git-secrets]( Default value: 1.3.0
  • TAG: Tag for the docker image

Make targets:

  • make build: Builds the docker image.
  • make push: Push the image to the remote repository.

You can use make git-secret-scanner-push from the root folder and it will build the image with the default settings and push it to the repo.